I have too many questions Re: Rustbucket, ne OG Vintage EHX Attack Decay pedal!

Started by Carlsoti, July 29, 2022, 03:29:30 PM

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     Same as before, when it was "fixed" on the 15th. There's noise within only the effected portion of the signal. Bypassed sound and blended clean sound is completely free of the noise; the more effect is blended in, the more the noise is present. It's like a background low hum/rumble and a higher frequency buzz that's independent of the input signal frequency. The noise gets gated with the effect. Additionally, in comparison to another OG Attack Decay, this one sounds like it's always distorted. Edge and harmonics only make the distortion "messier." Unfortunately, I've found it hard to get a decent recording of the sound, though I tried to make it more prominent in the video from the 15th by futzing with the tone controls on my amp. I'll send you a link to the private video in PM so you can hear the stark difference between mine the the other persons AD.

     What's the possibility that a socket "goes bad", or isn't making good connection with all the pins on the IC? Is there a way to re-tension socket pins, like there is for tube sockets? Could it be a lead-dress issue in the pedal?

     Also, I just realized I had forgotten about the possible grounding issue, so I'll pull and re-set the in/out jacks in hopes that it makes a difference. I really think I'm just going to have to futz with it until I figure out where the issue is.
"We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams..."


I finally got around to this, again.  :-\ I've got some NEW wonky voltages. IC7, IC9, Q2, and Q5 are my main focus. I've swapped in a new IC7, as I've got some bad voltages there. I don't have any 1458s for IC9, but they're on order. I'm not certain if Q5 is causing problems at IC9, or the other way around. I think I'll swap both Q2 and Q5 transistors when I put in the new 1458. I'm determined to get this pedal done this week. The owner has been extremely patient with me on this one, and I want to see what it can really do.
"We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams..."


I couldn't come up with any resolutions for the problems I had been experiencing, so I've convinced myself that I'm chasing snipe. The noise I was chasing is most noticeable with the sens turned ALL the way up, and the gate triggered, but nothing being played. I thinks it might be noise associated with the compression in the circuit, as had been previously stated. I'm calling this one done and taking it back to the owner. Thanks again, Scruffie. I really appreciate all your efforts.

Tim C in AZ
"We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams..."