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Modulation Monster (Pangea)

Started by flanagan0718, September 02, 2016, 02:44:50 AM

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Thanks everyone for the positive feedback. I was a bit unsure on the enclosure. I almost lost it in a couple places when sanding. It turned out alright though. I have another board set that I need to box up. I'll probably let one of the completed builds go though.

Quote from: fendman on September 12, 2016, 10:47:12 PM
This build has given me a wake up call...We probably all have so many builds to finish and. I have had this board almost completed now for over a. year..that is. embarrassing.

Thanks for giving me a have done a great job...your build and finish looks awsome.

This is one of the highest compliments one could give. For a few years now there have peen people here that inspired me (pickdropper, selfdestroyer, Govmnt_Lackey, GCFX, Madbean, midwayfair, etc.) and to hear that I inspired someone like they do me....Thanks. It means a lot to me.

Also Nicofx has some great stuff! I've been following his blog for a while now. Love his ring mods.