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GGG maestro ring modulator

Started by juanteleca, July 13, 2016, 12:53:45 AM

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Hello everyone, Has anyone done this project successfully, I have no clear the location and wiring PT3, as I have wiring, just get it to pass the guitar signal to the amplifier but without any effect on the signal.
Thanks in advance to everyone from Murcia, Spain.


Hi, no one has done this project?
can anybody help me?


you have more chances of getting answers if you post your problems in the tech help thread. there's a guideline to get tech help that covers most information we need to help you properly, most important clear pictures of your build and voltages of the ICs and transistors.
Did you try the effect before putting it in the box/wiring it up?
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


I think it's possible more users in forum have done this one!
I did this almost 10 years ago and don't remember the details. Stupidly it was my first project and an expert friend had to help me trouble shoot the wiring. In the end we had to build a custom power supply and there is no bypass on my unit. It's more like a rack unit, not so much like a pedal in my build. Sorry I can't be more help but it's so long ago...


There is a schematic on the GGG website with the parts clearly marked according to the BOM. All you have to do is use the schematic and match it to the PCB layout.

According to the schematic (and for a COMPLETE build) you should have the following:

Instrument Input jack
Amp Output jack
External Carrier jack
Oscilator Out jack
Modulation Pedal In Jack

Volume pot
Modulation pot

Pitch/Range Switch

On/Off footswitch 3PDT (or DPDT if no LED)