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Wolfshirt Capacitors

Started by Timko, June 18, 2016, 11:55:31 PM

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The Wolfshirt requires both a 3nF and a 50nF capacitor.  I think I could use a 3.3nF and a 47nF instead, but wanted some thoughts on it.



Brian mentions in the build doc that those subs will work.


Yup I used those values and it worked great! Super fun pedal btw have fun!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I forgot to mention that I used them in my wolfshirt as well. It's a great pedal, loads of fun. I tried a couple of different transistors but none came close to the 2n3565's. The octave is very subtle on mine though.


Quote from: Matmosphere on June 19, 2016, 12:23:57 AM
Brian mentions in the build doc that those subs will work.

Somehow I overlooked that. Thanks!


If you're really OCD, like myself and many others, I recommend a capacitance reading DMM or Peak Atlas. Then you can find the closest 3.3nf or 47nf capacitors to 3nf or 50nf.


Quote from: jball85 on June 27, 2016, 04:26:52 PM
If you're really OCD, like myself and many others, I recommend a capacitance reading DMM or Peak Atlas. Then you can find the closest 3.3nf or 47nf capacitors to 3nf or 50nf.

This is what I ended up doing!  I've got a pretty fancy DMM and use it for reading capacitors quite frequently (especially the electrolytics).


Given the nature of manufacturing tolerances, you could probably find a 47nF cap that reads up at 50, and a 3.3nF that reads down at 3. Might take a bit of a pile of caps to get lucky with the right values, but it is possible.

The other thing to consider is the 50nF in the prototype box also had those same manufacturing tolerance issues, so is likely anywhere between 45 and 55nF. OCD can get a bit funny once you start to consider potential ranges on every component in the box.