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Question about ordering from Smallbear

Started by Govmnt_Lacky, June 08, 2016, 07:08:33 PM

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I've had a package from SB stuck with Dutch Customs for several weeks. I had more or less given up the hope of it ever arriving and feared it had been lost in the system. The USPS site had no more updates of it after arriving in their dreaded NYC sorting center. I mailed SB and it would seem they put in an inquiry that got things back in motion again because a few days later it finally arrived.


Once again let me stress..... I do NOT build for commercial purpose. A lot of the responses I see that basically say "Suck it up" are coming from commercial builders. I only sell to fund the hobby..... stressing the word "hobby."

I have nothing against SB. They provide a great service. Personal opinion is that, for the prices they demand, I would think the service would be a bit faster. It's an observation and I was asking if others noticed the same, had similar opinions, etc.

BTW.... looks like I should get my order today. So, total of 6 business days to get it.


Having personally toured Digikey's facility in BFE Minnesota, they have a UPS trailer backed up to carry of their shipments everyday.   Their whole setup is quite impressive, it's actually a bit unfortunate that they don't get more direct love from the community.  I'm guessing it has more to do with their site and/or there not being the same kinds of BOM tools that Mouser has that make things easier.


I wasn't saying "suck it up" from a commercial perspective.  I've been buying parts for a much longer time as a hobbyist and found its easier to keep a stock of certain parts that take longer to get.  I still buy hobbyist parts separately and do exactly that.

I'm am saying that you may need to adjust your expectation to fit the realities of how the smaller businesses function.  Otherwise it's just going to add stress to your life.

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When you start threads expressing your frustration over having to wait on a parts order (just like the rest of us do throughout the year)  and hit up the BST section because you don't have time to wait for supplier X to ship you the parts on a fairly constant basis, it gives me (can't speak for others here) the impression you have a deadline to meet (i.e. A pedal to build for someone else).  At the end if the day your going to have to accept that the world moves slower than you would like it from time to time.  IMO hobbies are not about timeframes and deadlines; they are supposed to help us forget about such things.  If you have to wait til next week you can always get moving on the next project or do something else you enjoy. I really don't think it's necessary to post a thread every time your patience is running thin on X, or z. So yeah, I think you should "suck it up" like the rest of us when your bummed out and not make such a big deal out of it.  If you want to know what others experience with small bear is (as if you don't already know), search the forum and you will find plenty of other threads that are exactly like this one.  If Small bear were a new supplier or you were a new builder I would believe you started this thread for information. However, neither are true which leads me to believe you just wanted to whine again because, frankly, you have zero patience.  :-\


To be fair, I have done several builds as gifts for people and been stressed to meet a deadline, like a birthday or leaving for a trip, because of it. Small Bear offers a great service and has always been very easy to deal with, but I do agree that if they offer expedited shipping and the customer pays for that service then there should be some responsibility by the retailer to have the package arrive in a timely fashion. Every time I pay nine bucks for shipping and see a four dollar stamp on the package I realize that the extra few bucks is built in for labor and I'm cool with that  The idea that it should translate to a quicker turn around in their shop as well is completely understandable to me. 

I think the real problem is that most of the time the standard (cheap) USPS option doesn't come up on the web. They've always gone back and corrected it for me and refunded the difference but that's only because I thought to ask about it once. I think fixing that problem would solve a lot of these complaints.


Quote from: Stomptown on June 11, 2016, 11:38:37 PM
When you start threads expressing your frustration over having to wait on a parts order (just like the rest of us do throughout the year)  and hit up the BST section because you don't have time to wait for supplier X to ship you the parts on a fairly constant basis, it gives me (can't speak for others here) the impression you have a deadline to meet (i.e. A oedal to build for someone else).  At the end if the day your going to have to accept that the world moves slower than you would like it from time to time.  IMO hobbies are not about timeframes and deadlines; they are supposed to help us forget about such things.  If you have to wait til next week you can always get moving on the next project or do something else you enjoy. I really don't think it's necessary to post a thread every time your patience is running thin on X, or z. So yeah, I think you should "suck it up" like the rest of us when your bummed out and not make such a big deal out of it.  If you want to know what others experience with small bear is (as if you don't already know), search the forum and you will find plenty of other threads that are exactly like this one.  If Small bear were a new supplier or you were a new builder I would believe you started this thread for information. However, neither are true which leads me to believe you just wanted to whine again because, frankly, you have zero patience.  :-\

Hmmmm.... interesting analysis but... so far from the truth it's not even funny.

Working 3 jobs (2 full time and 1 part time) and being a single parent leaves me 1 weekend per month to build anything if that. So, when I order something for a build and it takes over a week to cross 2 states it gets a bit frustrating.

I do use the BST threads to get parts (thanks for following) because I'm a big believer in the barter system. Often, I trade away a LOT more than I receive. Some have offered to send with no return (me being among them) and that is awesome but never without an offer from me.

We all do things for a reason Jon (remember so long ago when I asked you to etch something for me? Remember that?) and we all have our ways of doing things. I'm sorry if it offends some when I expect decent service in a timely manner for good money. It's how I was raised and what I expect.

Now.... bring on the dog pile


So what exactly is "so far from the truth?"  Are you saying you don't start threads/fires in situations where your timeframe is not met?  Are you saying you never use the BST because you don't have the patience to wait for typical shipping? Are you suggesting that getting irritated and starting threads to "inquire" about a business who has operated for years within a market for which you have also participated for years is a better solution than accepting the fact that things might take longer than you'd like? Or is it that hobbies ARE in fact all about deadlines and timeframes?  Whatever you are suggesting is "so far from the truth" must've been read between the lines.

I too believe in the barter system and love the good will here on the forum.  We truely have a unique community here with s giving spirit and by no means do I have a problem with that.  I was happy to help out with the faceplate and I hope you liked the way it turned out. I'm not sure what your implying there but I did it out if good will.  Although it sounds like I should be thanking you given your toan above...

The fact is, you complain a lot and it's EXTREMELY tiresome.  We all have to wait from time to time and many of us work exhausting hours and look forward to the small amount of time we have to build.  Imagine what the forum would be like if we all started a thread when we were bummed about parts not coming when we wanted them! I mean, ugh... I personally think your getting decent service in a timely manner considering the size of the business.  You have every right to disagree but I don't see any value to this thread. Nothing said here will change things so what's the point? At the end of the day, I think you know better than to pay for the priority shipping upgrade, which I do sympathize for you paying once, maybe even twice; but three times is a bit of a shame on you.


If it takes 2 weeks to arrive wouldn't it be best to order it well in advance then? Like if the last weekend in the month is your build weekend, order it a month ahead or something. That way you can have your insane evil overlord gloating moments as you fondle your goodies weeks in advance.

I get it that you find it frustrating, and for the price SB is asking it stands to reason that speedy delivery is not something weird to ask for. But as has been said, they're a relatively small company, and in my experience small internet companies are just never as fast as the huge ones. So its best for your mental health if you learn to factor their longer delivery times into your planning and order well ahead. And build up stock. It's good to have stock. ;)


Quote from: Muadzin on June 12, 2016, 11:51:20 AM
It's good to have stock. ;)

This ^^^

I NEVER count on my stuff being shipped/delivered in a timely manner.
Even if it's a supplier that has delivered quickly on previous orders.
There is just too many things that can go wrong during the shipping process.

My very first order from BLMS got lost in the mail when it "should have" been here within a week.
Not his fault and once we figured out it wasn't gonna get here, he filed a claim and re-sent the order.
A month and a half after the original order was placed, I got my stuff.

Not the same as the supplier taking a couple days to actually ship,
but my point is that your order "could have" been sent right away and STILL got lost or whatever.

Stock up, order waaay in advance of when you actually need it.

(and for the record, I don't actually need any of this stuff,
it's just a hobby and my world won't end if I don't quickly get the stuff I order.)
Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering.


Quote from: Stomptown on June 12, 2016, 02:02:59 AM
So what exactly is "so far from the truth?"  Are you saying you don't start threads/fires in situations where your timeframe is not met?  Are you saying you never use the BST because you don't have the patience to wait for typical shipping? Are you suggesting that getting irritated and starting threads to "inquire" about a business who has operated for years within a market for which you have also participated for years is a better solution than accepting the fact that things might take longer than you'd like? Or is it that hobbies ARE in fact all about deadlines and timeframes?  Whatever you are suggesting is "so far from the truth" must've been read between the lines.

I too believe in the barter system and love the good will here on the forum.  We truely have a unique community here with s giving spirit and by no means do I have a problem with that.  I was happy to help out with the faceplate and I hope you liked the way it turned out. I'm not sure what your implying there but I did it out if good will.  Although it sounds like I should be thanking you given your toan above...

The fact is, you complain a lot and it's EXTREMELY tiresome.  We all have to wait from time to time and many of us work exhausting hours and look forward to the small amount of time we have to build.  Imagine what the forum would be like if we all started a thread when we were bummed about parts not coming when we wanted them! I mean, ugh... I personally think your getting decent service in a timely manner considering the size of the business.  You have every right to disagree but I don't see any value to this thread. Nothing said here will change things so what's the point? At the end of the day, I think you know better than to pay for the priority shipping upgrade, which I do sympathize for you paying once, maybe even twice; but three times is a bit of a shame on you.

Was gonna write a rebuttal but.... it's just not worth it!

I'll just say this, this thread was started by me to see if anyone else has had the same experiences. Nothing more, nothing less. It didn't turn into a flame fest until YOU decided to comment. So, I'll just leave with what I have been told a few times

If you don't like what is being discussed, then don't comment. End of story.


Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on June 11, 2016, 06:37:42 PM
Once again let me stress..... I do NOT build for commercial purpose. A lot of the responses I see that basically say "Suck it up" are coming from commercial builders. I only sell to fund the hobby..... stressing the word "hobby."

I have nothing against SB. They provide a great service. Personal opinion is that, for the prices they demand, I would think the service would be a bit faster. It's an observation and I was asking if others noticed the same, had similar opinions, etc.

BTW.... looks like I should get my order today. So, total of 6 business days to get it.

This is what got me Greg.  In your post above you basically admit your inquiry was to see if others had the SAME experience and SIMILAR opinions. So basically you don't want to hear conflicting opinions but are more than happy to hear the choir echo yours. And how is the opinion to "suck it up" less valid simply because one builds for commercial purposes? If you think this thread will somehow influence the way SB operates, your dreaming.  Companies do not change their business model for the 1% of people who 50% of time cannot be pleased all the time.


Quote from: Stomptown on June 12, 2016, 05:18:31 PM
In your post above you basically admit your inquiry was to see if others had the SAME experience and SIMILAR opinions. So basically you don't want to hear conflicting opinions but are more than happy to hear the choir echo yours.

Opinions are opinions Jon. Whether they agree with mine or not. Did you see me jump down the throat of the first person who disagreed? In fact, I welcome ALL opinions on the matter. Otherwise, why bother asking for opinions? Seems pretty simple to me...

And how is the opinion to "suck it up" less valid simply because one builds for commercial purposes?

This goes back to the "keep stock" idea. Some of us do not keep stock Jon. Some of us order per build. If I had my house note paid up in advance for the next 6 months and you were struggling to pay your mortgage this month I wouldn't tell you to "suck it up." Think about it...

If you think this thread will somehow influence the way SB operates, your dreaming.  Companies do not change their business model for the 1% of people who 50% of time cannot be pleased all the time.

I never thought that Steve should change his business model however, I also didn't see a warning banner on the home page of this site that said "You are not allowed to post opinions about parts sellers or distributors that are not 100% positive" either. I was merely stating an opinion based on transactions I have had with SB. I am sorry if the angers you or others on here but it is just an opinion.

I never see you jumping into threads about how someone got burned by any number of ebay sellers... or futurlec... etc. Why is that?

Just because it differs with the rank in file does not make it any less valid.


I don't think anyone is saying to suck it up and spend money you don't have.  It's more like learn to accept things the way they are and don't have such a high expectation. Or order sooner.  That's all I've got to say.  Let's just agree to disagree and move along. These are obviously not the droids you're looking for.  :P


This has gotten off track, the point is this is a community and a community has to get a long and if there's a problem that keeps showing its head, people will speak up.

The problem is you are regularly annoyed at things not happening at your pace and a lot of people have noticed, you do perhaps over use the parts jar thread (fine if you're reciprocating fairly but you must understand how it could look like abuse of something that's original purpose was an in case of emergency thing, not an I forget parts on my order every month area) and have in the past pestered people over deadlines and it grates people the wrong way, especially when this is meant to be a fun hobby and escape for the majority of people.

You're free to feel the way you do and you may well have been brought up that way, but perhaps you could take heed that a lot of people here weren't and your annoyance, annoys them.
No one's trying to silence you and there may well be a lot of people that have similar views to you but everyone has to get a long. I mean, i'm sure a lot of people here would love to complain about having to meet deadlines but realise people don't want to hear about it as they're probably annoyed by deadlines themselves.

If it's in the public interest, say if smallbear were taking 2 weeks to ship orders and parts were missing, that would certainly warrant a thread but a few days to mail something out isn't really news worthy, yeah it sucks your parts were going to be late but such is life, maybe less antagonising over timing and more time going over your parts check list in advance.

Hey, I hate having to sign for stuff when it comes! A lot of places and people send that way by default, but I just accept it and move on with life... usually to the post depot because I missed what I was meant to sign for.

Just to clarify this is not a personal attack, it's an attempt to clarify and summarize the problem and help us move on with regular programming.
Works at Lectric-FX