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Another Aqua Net Chorus & Some Quasi-finished stuff

Started by diablochris6, May 30, 2016, 04:11:15 AM

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I had an earlier build where I built an Ibanez CS9 clone for a friend. I had an extra PCB, so I built one for myself. I even managed to find a similar purple color to the original Ibanez.

I also finally put a couple other projects together and into a box. The first one is alanp's Lovetone ? flanger clone, and the other is my Deulin' Herbies double envelope filter with LFO. The beastly number of knobs and switches is because there are two slightly altered Lovetone Meatball circuits and a series of knobs on top that control an LFO. One envelope filter moves up and the other down. Each filter circuit can be controlled by the LFO, and the LFO circuit is inverted for the right filter. You can get standard Mutron III sounds out of this, to Earthquaker Devices Interstellar Orbiter weirdness, to a combination of the two. Hours of fun! Also, note the mostly symmetrical PCB! I will finish these enclosures sometime when I get some time to create a design and find a place to print it out. I'm giving you guys a heads up in case you want to invest in Davies, since I'm about to make their stock go up when I scrape around the cash to buy all those knobs.

I also recently bought an EHX Freeze pedal. It is awesome fun, but I swapped out the footswitch to a softer, faster acting, quiter arcade button. Plus, it looks cool.

Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


Quote from: diablochris6 on May 30, 2016, 04:11:15 AM
I'm giving you guys a heads up in case you want to invest in Davies, since I'm about to make their stock go up when I scrape around the cash to buy all those knobs.

(looks over at his rack full of crap with 1900H knobs, lots of 1900H knobs)

(whistles innocently)

Nice work, that flanger layout works nicely with the output jack pads :)
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
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Cool CS9, dig the color too!

Love the "molecular cell biology" book ^^ Reminds me of when I was still studying this! (now I practice in a lab haha)


Quote from: Coda-effects on May 30, 2016, 06:27:05 AM
Love the "molecular cell biology" book ^^ Reminds me of when I was still studying this! (now I practice in a lab haha)

I teach high school biology, so I don't get to use most of this stuff; I mostly flip through it to make sure I don't get rusty. If I want to feel helpless, I open up my organic chemistry textbook...
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here



Wow that double envelope filter looks completely insane!


All You Need Is Love


Quote from: Dminner on May 31, 2016, 07:50:49 PM
Wow that double envelope filter looks completely insane!

that's because it is ;)
seriously impressive projects Chris
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

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