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Second 1590A build: Pickdroppers Delerium Tremolo

Started by v00d00blues79, April 09, 2016, 05:12:14 PM

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I'm slowly working through my stack of ready to box baby builds. This one was my first without board mounted pots and led. It took me a wee bit longer to box, but went together smoothly. I followed Madbeans baby build doc and used ribbon cable for the wiring.

Things I learned from this build are these guys are really tiny and to pay attention to pot pinouts.  Had to rewire the rate pot due to this last one. That was a pain.

I went with my usual paint pen dressing scheme. Still not much of a graphics guy.

As far as the sound goes I'm really happy with it.  I can get smooth to choppy out of this little guy. It will fit in well on my board.




Nicely executed

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Nice build, Andy.  The wiring looks quite clean.

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Function f(x)
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Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
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Coming from you guys that's the best compliment I could get. Y'all set the bar pretty high with regards to amazing builds.  Thanks!
