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Lunar Module problem

Started by Sigesmundninja, August 01, 2011, 01:45:50 PM

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So I just finished soldering up a Cosmopolitan "Lunar mod" but i ain't working. I get sound after C1 but not after R2. I have a test-rig I always use and it has never failed me before so jacks and so on shouldn't be the problem.

Did everything acoarding to this but my C13 is 2.2nF (couldn't find a 2nF). The Soldering on this board was much harder than on the fabed ones so it lookes pretty crappy but I think it should be ok.

so... whats wrong with this picture?

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I've had a similar problem on a couple of builds ( losing signal at first or second resistor.) I know you know this- but touch those solder joints- sometimes for me it's been that easy. You're gonna love this pedal when she fires up.  It's crazy versatile!  Also- sometimes I've reversed my testing rig and gone backwards through the circuit to get a better idea of what is going on.


It looks to me like you may have connected the resistor from your mod to the wrong pin of your Fuzz pot.  Looks like it's going to pin 2 and I assumed from the mod instructions that it should go to ground, which would be pin 1.


Thank you mgwhit!! You sure spotted it! Not only was it soldered to the wrock lug, it was allso a 100R resistor and not a 100K, gonna box it up now and give it a real go!


Yup good eye! That's the exact spot your having the problem at too.
Sprayfe - Is that 3 LM's in one box?  :)
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


Thanks.  It made sense to look for issues around R2, and once I found that in the photos, the mod was sticking out like a sore thumb.  (No offense, it's the nature of that particular beast.)  I assume all mods are suspect.   ;D

Good luck!