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Neutrino Burst vs Black for the uneducated.

Started by wasteofspace, June 21, 2010, 08:17:14 AM

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Hi, all!  Sorry for the dumb question.

I'm curious about the Neutrino build. I see there is a Burst vs Black build option.

Lovepedals are a bit thin on the ground where I am so I can't A/B. I've had a look on YouTube for Eternities, and the quality hasn't been good enough to pick enough of a difference to convince me one way or another. I also see that Lovepedal has now moved on to the Eternity Fuse, and the "eternity Promo" vid doesn't mention which model, so their site isn't much help.  :-[

So, OK, I see assymetrical clipping, and a bit more filtering; is there a significant tonal difference between Brian's two Neutrinos?   ???


- dMac

Making his own pedals since 1998!


I was looking to the differences the other day actually.  From about an hour of interweb journeys to random forums and user reviews of the burst, black, kanji, fuse eternities.. i've come to the conclusion that everyones ears are different and most people suck at describing things.  A lot of words like "warm", "bright",  even "woody" were thrown around.  How the hell does a pedal sound "woody." 

Anyway, I wouldn't get too caught up in it, I doubt theres any drastic differences in the tone.  I didn't build my neutrino yet but I'm going with Black cause I like a dark od.  Doubt they'd name it Black if it was brighter than the rest.


One big difference is the burst will have a lot more available gain with its 500k gain pot vs the black's 100k pot. Of course you could always just use a 500k gain pot with all the other black values. The clipping diodes will make a slight difference as well. The symmetrical clipping in the burst should be a bit smoother than the asymmetrical clipping in the black (for a given gain level).


I supplied the black version component values to Brian, based on a schematic posted on  After filtering all the intarwebz gibber-jabber noise, I took that schematic to be accurate for the black E, which I believe is called the E6.

I have not, however, compared the two pedals.  There are a couple reasons I built the black version:

1) It's what Andy Summers used on the 2007 tour.  His basic dirty rhythm sound on that tour was the Eternity through a clean tube amp.  There was a picture in Guitar Player where your can just make out the black enclosure and brown knobs.

2) In general I like asymetrical clipping better than symetrical.  I'm an SD-1 guy as opposed to a TS guy.  I like the cliping a bit more ragged.  The blck version is a bit brighter, too, I believe.  I like it, but one friend I built a pedal for thought it was too bright.  I'm sending him a larger cap to help tone it down a bit.

However, I think my Nutrino is a bit light on gain, it's usually enough, but sometimes I want more.  I might try a 500K gain pot and see if it's better.
I am using you; am I amusing you? - Martha Johnson


I have the burst version built and the black is a work in progress. My Burst MP3 samples are now on Soundclick (see my build report). It will be a while before the Black is finished but I'll upload when complete.


Thanks, All!

I should be finishing marking papers by the middle of next week (woo hoo!  ;D ) so I might do a breadboard  build and see what I come up with.

It's all fun and games, isn't it! Well, it will be after going through another bunch of Copyright Law papers... ;)
- dMac

Making his own pedals since 1998!


Just finished my Black Neutrinon. See my build report.