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Deadringer v1, one for the Discworld fans

Started by Willybomb, March 04, 2016, 12:52:56 PM

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Gudday all, here's my Deadringer built from a Haberdasher etch (sorry it took so long to finish mate). Worst pedal name to get any inspiration from.  I tried some cartoony dancing skeletons and skull clocks but I just don't go for the gothic bogan style that a google search would bring up.

So, remembered Pratchett's Soul Music and figured DEATH playing a guitar and a suitable quote might be the go.  It'd be a neater build if I'd left more wire there from before the rocking for the boxing but it came up ok.  Not convinced this is a super neat layout but I got there in the end.  10k on the blue LED, still too bright, 2.4k on the red (my normal value).

Generic sticker paper through an injet, for some reason the black ink seems to repel the clear laquer - it takes a lot of coats to even out, and even then I gave this a cut and polish to bring it up to code.  But before you get to the flat stage it feels embossed - thicker on the white and other colours, thinner on the black lines.

Anyway, thanks to the guys in the Deadringer switch thread who helped me work out the correct wiring for the FCV switch.


Difficult to beat a Discworld themed pedal.

I'm nearly done with the Discworld series.  Great fun.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


 don't know what Discworld is, but that's badass.
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


That looks awesome. Now get some colored knobs on that bad boy!


Yeah, I have a fairly hefty tayda order for the knobs. Probably blue and/or white for this one.


Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


BTW, it's great to be getting such positive feedback from some of the guns (aka legends, aka gods) on this forum.  I've been doing this on and off for a few years now and I really feel like I'm getting to a level that I feel is semi-pro and fairly acceptable, especially since I've admired their work since I started.

I can see the appeal of metal washers with this one.  They look great on the FCV and Mos/Sil switches and really pop out, so metal all round would really look great.

Now with knobs (so hard to keep a phone camera in focus), stolen from Terminus:


Awesome! I'm really digging the graphics.  Haven't read any discworld books in a decade or so. Should probably pick them up again. :)