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Not a fan of Coldplay, but this makes me happy

Started by matmosphere, July 18, 2016, 10:52:08 PM

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MJF's autobiography is well worth a read.

It's shocking how long he battled the onset of Parkinson's keeping it a secret from people he worked with. Given how debilitating it is, it's awesome to see him on stage even now.
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It's very cool that they brought him on stage but also very sad to see that Michael's guitar playing skills are now barely above those of Lil' Kim. What a terrible disease. The man must have will power made of steel, I don't think I would have lasted that long if my body gave out on me and I could no longer do what I wanted to do.

Another sad thing is that this is probably the hardest that Coldplay has ever rocked. Excluding this little excursion of course.


Thanks for the heads up Juan, I'll have to check that out.

Quote from: Muadzin on July 20, 2016, 11:19:19 AM
It's very cool that they brought him on stage but also very sad to see that Michael's guitar playing skills are now barely above those of Lil' Kim. What a terrible disease. The man must have will power made of steel, I don't think I would have lasted that long if my body gave out on me and I could no longer do what I wanted to do.

Another sad thing is that this is probably the hardest that Coldplay has ever rocked. Excluding this little excursion of course.

I didn't think he was that bad. Im sure the Parkinson's has unfortunately made things harder, but I bet there were some jitters too. That is a huge crowd, I doubt many people would be on their a game in front of a crowd that big for the first time.

Either way I'm just happy to see that he's still playing.

That video is hilarious, although I could only stand to hear about 30 seconds of it.