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Creation of and Selling of PCBs

Started by markeprice, May 07, 2015, 06:48:30 PM

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I need some ethical help here.  If I create a PCB for sale using a freely shared schematic, is attribution enough?  Do you typically ask the originator of the schematic permission/blessing, etc? 

Cuz they's made for Giggin!
Mark Price: owner


Hey Mark. If the creator of the circuit freely shared the schematic, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have a problem with others creating a PCB from that freely shared information.  I would ask the creator (if you can get in touch with him/her).  It's the right thing to do. I would also print on the pcb the creator's name.  Technically, if you create your own layout/artwork and the circuit doesn't have a patent, you're legally in the clear. I'm not into legality, I'm more into morality.

Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


Agree, especially DIY schems. If they're selling pcbs of a circuit they designed you dont want to offer something that is cutting into their sales.

Older stuff like dist +, 840 wah, is a bit more fair game but still better to ask if you can
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


The answer for me generally depends on the circuit. After all, if you're making another tubescreamer PCB just like the 5 others out there already, it's not really effective for us to be competing against one another. If you take a fairly specialized design, like the Zeropoint, or the Blue Warbler, or whatever, and they rip it off - that might be legal, but it's not cool.

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And all that being said, we generally encourage people who want to do that kind of thing as long as they are respectful of others doing the same thing. There are quite a few members who offer various PCBs and one-off's beyond the officially sponsored stores here and that's cool. If you have any questions or doubts about a particular project you are considering feel free to PM me.


Thank you  all for your responses.  The reason I want to do the particular project I am doing is because very few if any are doing it.  I have some design approaches that are unique as well.  On the schematics I find, both attributed and non-attributed copies of this, so it is hard to decide who to even attribute it to.  It is of a old old circuit, but even that has multiple origins.  If I decide to go ahead, I will let you guys know what I am considering.

Thanks all!
Cuz they's made for Giggin!
Mark Price: owner


Sweet! Zombie circuit back from the dead. Whatever it is.