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47 spec & Civil War spec mini muffins(Pickdropper PCBs)

Started by Mycpotter, May 11, 2013, 12:49:16 PM

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G'day all!

Just thought I'd upload a couple of pics in progress of one of my Mini Muffins.

I have used the specs from Kit Rae's site for the 47 Rams Head muff for this build which is using full size components and will eventually live in a 125b enclosure as I tried 1590a size with 1/8w resistors and unfortunately don't have the patients or steady hand to pull it off (maybe one day).

This ones also using NOS 2n5133 transistors with 1n914 diodes I sourced from eBay. The second one is at Civil War spec with NOS 2N5828 transistors and 1n4148 diodes. Hopefully both rocked and boxed by tomorrow night..

Thanks for taking a look and thanks to Pickdropper for the awesome, easy to work with PCBs!!

47 Rams Head

Transistor closeup

Civil War (Right) next to Rams Head

Civil War closeup


Sorry, that should be 2n5828 for the Civil War, not 2n5838. Stupid fingers!


Looks cool.
Had chance to rock them yet?

1590a builds are not so bad once you get the switch and jacks wired in. Check out Pickdropper's guide if you haven't already.


Very cool.  What do you think of the civil war?  I haven't built that variant yet.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Quote from: gingataff on May 13, 2013, 11:57:30 AM
Looks cool.
Had chance to rock them yet?

1590a builds are not so bad once you get the switch and jacks wired in. Check out Pickdropper's guide if you haven't already.

Have rocked the Rams head, took a bit of messing around with R22 to get it to sound right (dropped from 12k to 2k to get rid of the splutter/starved sound) but absolutely love it now.

Ill tackle the 1590a after a few more builds and when I pick up the right sized components :)


Quote from: pickdropper on May 13, 2013, 12:17:56 PM
Very cool.  What do you think of the civil war?  I haven't built that variant yet.

Havent listened to it yet, Civil war is being wired up this weekend mate, ill be adding the mids pot with this one, should be fun. Both builds are being boxed and arted up sometime next week so ill update this thread when I get pics and demos for them.

Fantastic boards to work with by the way! :) 


Quote from: Mycpotter on May 14, 2013, 01:54:46 PM
Quote from: pickdropper on May 13, 2013, 12:17:56 PM
Very cool.  What do you think of the civil war?  I haven't built that variant yet.

Havent listened to it yet, Civil war is being wired up this weekend mate, ill be adding the mids pot with this one, should be fun. Both builds are being boxed and arted up sometime next week so ill update this thread when I get pics and demos for them.

Fantastic boards to work with by the way! :)

Cool, I am glad you like the boards.  I'm looking forward to seeing the final builds.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


who did you get the 5133s from?  Are they legit?


Quote from: aballen on May 20, 2013, 05:31:31 PM
who did you get the 5133s from?  Are they legit?

Sorry for the late reply! got them from eBay and as far as I know they are legit, they sound awesome either way :) eBay username siliconsound, the same people I got the 2N5828's from.


Ok finally got around to finishing the Rams head build, im still mastering clean wiring and waterslides so the guts are pretty meh and there was a screwup with the decal but overall im happy enough.
Used 1776 effects 3PDT board (Awesome boards!) and mounted the LED internally just for testing purposes.

Did a joke Rams head clone decal and called it Muffram with the same bocklin font used on the originals, changed the electro harmonix label to false harmonix and changed the rams head picture to Nicholas Cage's 'you don't say' meme picture, so if someone comes up to me and goes "That looks like a Rams Head clone" I can laugh at my own personal joke :) Still working on the paint and decal for the Civil War, hopefully it turns out god and special!

Still trying to wrestle my rig into recording properly so hopefully I can get clips up soon.


Internal (DC jack has been rewired to the top now, too much effort to reopen it and take pic)


Is that CAT5 wire? I love the graphic of the pie.


Yep "crap 5" solid core borrowed from discarded cable at work. Love free stuff!


sorry for bringing up this old topic.  Are those 1n60 diodes?  how does that sound in a muff?  clipped id imagine.  but i'm also asking because I got diodes that look just like those from tayda and they were labelled "1n914" i was like hmmmm.... these look like 1n60's.  And they are just that... mislabelled.  might wanna look into it, make that pedal sound a good deal different