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Diodes in the King of Klones?

Started by AltheWop, June 12, 2011, 01:01:32 PM

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Noob here.  I just finished my first build last night and the pedal sounds awesome!

I couldn't wait for the diodes to arrive in the mail any longer, so I ran over to Radio Shack and bought the recommended diode substitutions (1N914 and 1N001) and finished the pedal. Now, to my question... do the type of diodes have a big impact on the tone? When the MA856 and 1S1588 finally arrive, I'm wondering should I go through the drill of swapping the diodes out?

Thanks - Mike


The diodes *may* produce a small variation in sound. Mostly, the recommended diodes are what was originally used in the KOT pedals, which is why if you want an authentic replica, or at least as authentic as you can make it, the Madbean project recommends them.

When it comes to diodes, there are slight variations, but most of the time when you get through the full band sound you can't really tell the difference between X silicon and Y silicon diodes. Same with a recording. If anyone says they can actually 'hear' a specific guitar pedal on an album I'd be surprised, let alone which kind of diodes it uses.

In solo use, in the realm of bedroom playing, you may be able to hear small differences though.

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thanks for the reply.... I may just leave well enough alone and leave it as is.... I can't get over how great this pedal sounds!! (Tele >> KOT >> 5e3 clone)


Quote from: AltheWop on June 20, 2011, 03:31:45 AM
thanks for the reply.... I may just leave well enough alone and leave it as is.... I can't get over how great this pedal sounds!! (Tele >> KOT >> 5e3 clone)

If thats the case then why change it! Get another and see if it makes enough of a difference to make you wanna replace your first one. Or for a friend!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals