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Terry Pratchett has passed away

Started by midwayfair, March 12, 2015, 08:04:23 PM

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Saw this on facebook. I have about 20 of this novels, Im a bit of a fan, this news saddens me.
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I actually have a signed copy of Making Money.

I'm going to go against the grain and say the Rincewind novels aren't my favorites.  It is interesting that he moved on from our world impinging on the Discworld to more ... discworld based stories.  I enjoyed reversal of the Giant Girl climbing a building while holding an orangatang in Moving Pictures, and Soul Music was probably the first one I read because I couldn't get into the Color of Magic.

We used to start our songs with "One, two, many, lots".

The Sam Vines stuff is the best.  I like the wee blue men too.


It is indeed an embuggerance.

My reaction to the sad news says it all: I dug out The Colour of Magic and started reading. I've just got to the "dentishtry" quote in The Light Fantastic and I will probably keep going until I've read all of the series. Then I'll start on all the other books.

I can't get my head around the reality of "The End" because for the last thirty years or so I've always had the next book to look forward to. Oh bugger.

...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...


I cant help but envisage Terry having a cold skeleton finger tap him on the shoulder and say some dry humorous comment. 

That is not making light of the situation.  It confirms how much of an impact his stories had on my perception of humour and how memorable his characters were.
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