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Repurposing Equipment

Started by PhiloB, March 16, 2015, 02:22:03 AM

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My wife has a photography business.  Therefore we have a dry Mat board press.  Looked at it the other day and saw it goes up 350 degrees.  Then I thought, hey, press n peel needs 325...and this will apply even pressure!
I did my first layout and etched it using PnP Blue and this press.  It worked great...there was no black left on the PNP when I was done.  Let it sit for 4 min at 325 and that was all there was to it.
Unfortunately, the guy at Fed Ex Office couldn't get it to print on the correct printer (one I've used many times before) and ended up printing it on another printer and it came out splotchy (mainly on the ground pour), my last piece of PNP blue at that.
I've etched boards before but have always struggled to get an adequate transfer.
Didn't realize the I had my image flipped horizontally:(  Went as far as to populate the voltage inverter board before realizing I'd messed it up. It should have been absolutely obvious because the wording is backwards-see pics.
Oh well.  Ordering more PNP Blue tonight to give it another go.
Now just need a wet tile saw to get straight edges. On the board. 

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Just went through the process of exporting the images for etching again and verified that my previous file was correct!! The file I emailed to Fed Ex Office was correct.  Somehow they printed the pdf flipped?!  Weird, wild, wacky stuff....

