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Rustbucket: Increase Decay length, Possible?

Started by CRM-114, March 31, 2016, 12:12:05 AM

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Hi folks.  This is my first post here.  I've built plenty of relatively small dirt, fuzz, and misc. projects on perfboard over the years but when it came to something big like the Rustbucket, Madbean seemed like the place to go.

So here's he question.  Is there any way to maybe increase the decay length on the envelope?  The problem in practice is that even on long decay settings the RB will close the envelope when I really wish it would cut of my sustaining note quite so soon. 

I have a pal with a vintage EH model and he says it is functioning normally in this respect, which sounds good and all.  I just wonder if there is anything relatively simple that can be done (maybe switchable) to allow for longer sustain.  The attack sounds great, but if the mod influenced the range of this control as well, that might be ok, especially if switchable.

I have a busted Pigtronix Attack Sustain around somewhere.  This has a decay on/off switch, which would be a great mod for the RB if possible (I know they are related but not the same design).  Of curse the Pigtronix has all its component markings scratched off, so it's tough for me to relate what's going on in there (and currently only the compressor works--it was free after all).

So any of the wizards around here have any ideas?


I think you can just double the decay pot value.


I was thinking this or a resistor, but I won't have a chance to try until this weekend.


From my own experiments with the rustbucket circuit, it seems the decay cutoff is affected by the value of C3. Putting in a larger capacitor did make the notes fade out more than just cut off. Putting in a smaller cap tended to make the cut off more abrupt and sooner. So I would just try socketing that and seeing what you find out in your circuit.


Thanks.  I'll see what I can tinker with later tonight.


I would guess C12 controls it so enlarging it would increase the decay time.
Works at Lectric-FX