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Harbinger one caps 22-26

Started by Strassercaster, February 12, 2015, 05:26:09 PM

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hello was burning the midnight oil building my new harginger one project last night. i got the caps c22 c23 c24 c25 c26 the bom of materials shows 17 1uf film caps. when i got to these the pcb shows poloraized caps. do i just ignore the pcb? i have both tantalums and electrolytics i can use but i want to be true to the design. these boards are very hard to desolder i have noticed so i sure dont want to instal the wrong parts. Anyone finished the new version yet?.. i am at a standstill on these . i will start on the transistors next while waiting . any tips would be appreciated. i went with the 9 v version charge pump since i ordered everything on the shopping list except a zener 15v ooops . thank you all. also anyone finished one of these and have a video i couldnt find anything on youtube for this build. how close to a real univibe is it?. thanks again my fellow diyers and i appreciate your time.


the original only used electrolytic for the 1uF
the schematic is correct, c22-25 should be electrolytic
seems to be a mistake in the bom