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NGD - 1999 Les Paul Standard

Started by culturejam, February 11, 2015, 04:23:19 AM

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This is a keep-it-in-the-family New Guitar Day. I got this from my business partner and good friend Dave (pickdropper).

It's a '99 Standard in ebony. Mostly stock, with a few minor changes (mojo caps, different pots, historic truss rod cover).

I fully expected to turn my nose up at the stock 490R and 498T pickups, but I quite like them. Dave and I both think that double creme uncovered (obviously) pickups would look totally bitchin on this guitar, so I  may put some 36th Anniversaries in there at some point. No rush though, as I think the tone is just fine as is.

It plays really nice, and the neck is a nice profile for my hands. It's definitely a thinner carve than the neck on my R8, but I actually enjoy both shapes/profiles. I'm easy...easy like Sunday morning.  :mrgreen:

I've actually wanted an ebony Les Paul since I first saw the Hard to Handle video (back when MTV played videos) from the Black Crows back in the early 90s. So it's nice to check that off the list!

Haven't had time or decent weather for a nice outdoor shot, so you guys get to see an ugly flashed inside pic:

Here's a shot of the Les Paul "family" as it stands so far:

Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Oh man, killer guitar!
I pretty much always prefer metal covers, but I'm with you on the creamies for this babeh. Sweetness.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair



Jealous! That thing is beautiful.



Ooh lovely.

There is just something about Ebony LP's with that cream binding.

Get a bigsby on there and you're all set  8)


Nicely done, but it needs a Floyd and a hot pink refin.

And that's the most heresy I've ever spouted.  Might wanna try the PAF Masters in it.  Kinda intrigued by those.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


"my legend grows" - playpunk


Totally forgot to give Dave a shout-out for giving me one heck of a deal on a very nice guitar. Thanks buddy!
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Quote from: culturejam on February 11, 2015, 03:02:53 PM
Totally forgot to give Dave a shout-out for giving me one heck of a deal on a very nice guitar. Thanks buddy!

Sure thing, Forrest.

In a perfect world, I would've kept that.  But I've had a few guitars come into the stable recently and some sacrifices needed to be made.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


OH nice!! Lucky you! :D

I'd vote Zebra coils... cream and black would look bitchin' on that one!
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Oh man she is nice. Congrats on an awesome guitar there.

I have been on the hunt for a new bridge pup for my LP (currently have 57 classic +). May need to try out some burstbuckers or 498s.


Contract PCB designer


it that is ugly indoor flash it sure looks awesome to me!...
Great pair of LPs..


Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects