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1n60p - Silicon or Germanium?

Started by chromesphere, January 16, 2015, 09:36:46 AM

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Tracking down legitimate Ge Diodes is such a headache...Looking into stocking the 1n60p.   Is it silicon or germanium?  I have a confirmed source for hitachi 1n60's but lets talk about the 1n60ps for fun. Its the same question we had for the semtech 1n34's.  Here we, Tayda have 1n60p's.  According to their datasheet (and size of the diode) it would indicate they are silicon:


Futurlec have Semtech 1n60p's.  Semtech datasheet says, in a number of places "germanium":

And that they are DO-7.  So..Maybe this is all true?  Tayda silicon, futurlec germanium?  The price would also confirm this. 

I read on DIYSB's someone saying there are in fact silicon and germanium 1n60P's (note the "P", not talking about 1n60's here).
But if that's the case...then what the hell are these semtech 1n34a's???

Datasheet says "Germnaium Diode".  Price is 50c each indicating germanium, but package says do-35...

I'm not sceptical enough to believe a company would mislabel their datasheets deliberately.  Maybe I should be.  I guess the one thing missing from that datasheet is the packaging...I don't see do-35 or do-7 anywhere (on the datasheet).  Prehaps its the same deal?  There are both silicon and germanium 1n34a's...?  I have never bought the 1n34a from futurlec.

I have this huge light with the schematic symbol of a diode on it.  I call it the Midwayfair Light.  When I turn it on, he will come.  Ill just go flick the switch :)

(appreciate your help as always Jon ;-) )
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Ask for a manufacturer's sample and do the heat test, or a sample from your supplier. Or you could write to Semtech and ask "Is this a germanium diode or is it a silicon work-alike? I'd like to know so that I can accurately describe them to my customers."

I have never received a 1N60P that was germanium, but I've never seen them in the DO-7 package either. I order the little ones that cost 4c because they're they cheapest option for a Schottky diode, incredibly small, and they have lower Fv than almost anything else, making them perfect for rectifiers. I wouldn't want them as much if they WERE germanium.

It's perfectly possible that Semtech makes more than one 1N34a.


Samtech's production facility is actually about half a mile from my house.  I could go ask them if you want....

EDIT: Oh wait, Semtech and Samtec are two different things, nevermind.


Quote from: dropanchor812 on January 20, 2015, 02:22:35 PM
Samtech's production facility is actually about half a mile from my house.  I could go ask them if you want....

EDIT: Oh wait, Semtech and Samtec are two different things, nevermind.

I was wondering if you lived in china dropanchor? lol thanks for the offer though that was very kind of you.

Thanks for the suggestion too Jon, I think you are right.  Gunna need a sample and some info in order to set this to rest once and for all.  I will contact Semtech. Will update this thread with more info.
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