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Quasar - Change from RC Boost to AC boost?

Started by Geosh, April 13, 2010, 08:50:02 PM

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Ok, from what I understand the RC boost and AC boost are almost the same thing. Does anyone know the specific differences? Also, would there be a way to use the Quasar (2.5) board and make it into an AC booster?

If not, are you going to have a PCB anytime soon for a AC Booster (clone/inspired pedal) Madbeans? 


BUMP !!!   I wouldn't mind knowing this as well . . . please.. . :-*


Here's a site showing the schematic for the AC booster with instructions for converting it to an RC booster. It shouldn't be too hard to compare to Brian's Quasar.


Looks like you could get pretty close by changing R5 to 10k, the gain pot to 500k, and jumpering D3, D4, and D5. There's an additional filter on the AC booster that would be hard to finagle on Brian's board. You'd have to cut the trace off of pin 1 and wedge a 10k and 0.1uF before C6. Actually, Brian might want to add those two components to his layout, then it could be used for either the AC or RC booster.


Thanks for the tips I have got a holiday comin up in 2 wks I think I'll try modify the pcb to an AC Booster based on this info. . . fingers crossed that it all works like it should eh.  ;) If I'm successful I'll post back here. err that is if Brian (MadBean) doesn't mind me messing with his circuit guess I'm asking now. . . Is that ok with you MB???

madbean would be much better to have a guide to alter the existing layout rather than try to create a new one, considering they are so similar. Go for it!