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What the fuzz?

Started by AntKnee, December 31, 2014, 04:53:33 AM

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I have been on an overdrive and boost kick lately, but I am starting to get into fuzzes and muffs. I was aware of the various transistors and that they create different sounds, but I am at a loss for where to start researching what works best in which circuit. I have a jmk 5 knob fuzz to start with. If anyone can help me understand how to select trannies for it, I would greatly appreciate it.
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


For Muffs you can't go wrong with Kitrea

It is currently my quest to build every version of the Muff as found in those schematics.  8)

In my experience Muffs are very forgiving as to what kind of trannies you put in there, as long as they're having the right hfe's. Most of the magic is in the circuit. Other fuzz pedals though, especially those with small part counts, selecting the right trannies there does seem to matter much. Probably because of the low parts counts, in which case every small difference does add up. Just look at Devi Ever fuzzes, which are often variations of the same pedal with one different component. Now the JMK 5 knob fuzz is a fuzz factory clone and I've build several of them. I've used trannies as supplied by kits like Musikding, I've sourced them without regard to matching, I've used matched AC-125's. I've yet to find the right combo that will get them to behave like they do in the youtube vids using real Zvex FF's. The oscillation part that is, that nasty fuzz sound, they all seem to do that.