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Yellow Shark Redux

Started by Ubertech_s, January 25, 2015, 05:20:26 PM

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Hi All

I have just completed a second build of a yellow shark board from Habberdasher ( I messed up the first lifting a trace, it worked but obsession is obsession), and I can see there are one or two topics with the same issue from a while ago so Im ressurecting here hopefully in time for a good answer:

Where is the overdrive?

If I use the shark on its own there is little drive (like clean boost), but when I push the front end input with a compressor or autowah it overdrives very nicely indeed.

As a fan of OD I would love too get the same level of OD without having to push the input level - any ideas?

Now Im guessing here but is it a case of reducing the resistances in the input circuit, or is there something around the opamp gain stage?

In the mean time I will try red LEDs instead of Green...but hopefully someone can shed light on this improvement


thanks, Ubertech

I need to delete this thread - I am clearly a nincompoop! I have plenty of gain - lets put it down to rushing the rebuild.

If the moderator can delete it, please do so...I will endevour to check my work more carefully before posting
  ::) ::) ::)
Yellowshark... Zero Point Mini...Autobahn...getting better all the time