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Implementing Madbean wiring diagram w/out an LED and battery snap?

Started by vizcities, December 07, 2014, 04:12:40 PM

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I'm currently in the midst of housing a BYOC Confidence Boost in a PPP pre-drilled enclosure using the Madbean standard wiring diagram, but my enclosure has no hole for an LED and, as a result, I need to skip it.  I would also like to drop the battery clip.  How would I go about evading these two things?  I'm kind of green at this, so diagrams are welcome (though not necessarily required).  Thanks!


That's fairly easy to do.
No LED: omit the red wire going to the 4k7 resistor, omit the resistor and the LED, and omit the (is is gray?) wire going to the switch.
No clip: just leave off the black and red wire of the clip.


That sums it up nicely. Just to clarify: the red and black wires are attached to the battery clip when you buy it, so it's really just a case of leaving it out. You could easily add one later if you wanted to.

BYOC is a great place to start. My first build was a BYOC kit and I'm sure that's true of many people around here. Welcome to the addiction!
...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...


The pot I picked was ill-suited, my 3pdt switch wiring was pretty dodgy, and I had to troubleshoot some grounding issues, but the advice helped!  Witness:

(I have vague plans to name all of my builds after 30 Rock, Simpsons, and Seinfeld jokes.)


Excellent, I'm glad it worked out. You should post pics of it n the build reports section and make sure to include a gut shot, so we know it's not just an empty box!  ;)
...and then of course I've got this terrible pain in all the diodes down my left hand side...