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Zero point micro 2 Lm78L05 question

Started by Mojo Fandangle, December 01, 2014, 05:27:20 AM

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Mojo Fandangle

Thanx in advance for any assistance anyone can offer.

I ordered an Lm7805 5v voltage regulator as a substitute for the Micro 2 Lm78L05 regulator.

I read that this is a suitable replacement but noticed that in the Micro 2 build guide there is a photo of the populated board that shows what looks like a normal transistor shaped part in the space where the regulator goes, whereas the Lm7805 is more rectangular, yes, no?

"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


I believe they are functionally the same, except the ones in the standard transistor package can dissipate less wattage. Using the large regulator shouldnt be a problem if it fits, I use them all the time cause I accidentally brought a 100 from mouser.


Quote from: Dogbrainz on December 01, 2014, 05:27:20 AM
Thanx in advance for any assistance anyone can offer.

I ordered an Lm7805 5v voltage regulator as a substitute for the Micro 2 Lm78L05 regulator.

I read that this is a suitable replacement but noticed that in the Micro 2 build guide there is a photo of the populated board that shows what looks like a normal transistor shaped part in the space where the regulator goes, whereas the Lm7805 is more rectangular, yes, no?

they are pretty much the same, just think of it as a bigger resistor, for a bigger current, but if they fit, well i see no problem

the Lm7805 its about 1A
and Lm78l05 its about 100ma not so sure but you can check datasheet
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....

Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: nieradka on December 01, 2014, 07:18:59 PM
I believe they are functionally the same, except the ones in the standard transistor package can dissipate less wattage. Using the large regulator shouldnt be a problem if it fits, I use them all the time cause I accidentally brought a 100 from mouser.

Thanks for your help, my ocd thanks you also.
If they stop making them and I need some extras I guess I know who to hit up for them.
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"


Check the pinouts in the data sheets for the parts and make sure that you have the orientation the right way. Other than that, as said above, they are OK to substitute if they fit. Do check the orientation though because they can pop if you have them in backwards.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rockā€¢it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).

Mojo Fandangle

Quote from: RobA on December 08, 2014, 12:20:42 PM
Check the pinouts in the data sheets for the parts and make sure that you have the orientation the right way. Other than that, as said above, they are OK to substitute if they fit. Do check the orientation though because they can pop if you have them in backwards.

Thanx for the heads up. Will check the datasheet before putting them in
"If you don't do it yourself, no-one else will do it yourself"