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Darkhorse Duplex Drive & The Beast

Started by dan.schumaker, December 01, 2014, 01:59:48 PM

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Here are a couple of dual overdrives from Electricb I've worked on the last week or two.  The Duplex Drive is the newest one I finished, and I am really liking the sounds I can get from it.  I am really liking the G-2 side.  The SS-2 side is a little gain-ier than I thought it would be, but I am sure that there are plenty of good sounds in it as well.  The Beast also sounds great.  Its a really good sound to boost the TS side with the Klon.

Duplex Drive

The Beast


Those look both superb! Great graphics too, like especially the first one!  8)
BigNoise Amplification


I'm partial to the second, but both look great!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


I am a huge fan of these circuits as I have built them also and love them. I am really digging your Beast artwork and your guts looks great on both pedals.



Great looking work.
Where can you get PCBs for those?

Another Dan S.


Excellent work! These look great and I'm glad you're enjoying them. I also use the Klon side of "The Beast" to boost the OD-820 because I love the sound of it and sometimes you just need it louder!


Hey Electicb. Will you ever be doing another run on the beast? Really want one of those.

Oh and great work on the boxes.


I think I missed something: where can I get myself a Duplex board, if still available?m:)


Both boards highly recommended.  The Beast bumped my Duplex off the pedal board for now.  Still have to box up the Triple Booster.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


For those that are interested, I put in an order for more of both these boards. If you want to claim one, check out my post in the Group Buy section.