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Tremopanation wobulator ticking

Started by Hangingmonkey, November 04, 2014, 08:09:14 AM

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Ive boxed up the wobulator but im getting a lot of LFO ticking. Would you guys mind having a look at my wiring and see if theres something ive overlooked?


How much ticking did you get out of the box? I would have put the phase switch nearer to the output jacks -- putting it on the input side seems a bit brave. Try undoing the LFO1 and Trigger jacks and have them lying loose outside the box a bit, see how that affects it. If it does, then replace the wires with 1 and 2 core shielded, see how that goes. Having control circuitry  jacks right up against the bottom of the audio section of the board probably isn't helping :(

I'm going to go through and do another version of this sometime to incorporate Govt_Lackey's circuit :( When I do, I think I'll put it in another Hammond slant top sheetmetal enclosure. The amount of problems people have with these Lovetone boards, I sometimes regret putting them up.
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Hi Alan, thanks for your answer. Ill digest and try those changes when i get home from work. Just a quick message to say dont be put off from making the lovetones, and thanks for all the hard work. I think that anyone who undertakes diy should be prepared to do some troubleshooting and not expect stuff to work first time or do some tweaking or mods to get it to sound right, as far as im concerned, its all part of the game.

Ps, the meatball pcb you did was awesome and well worth the effort invested.



Any ticking will be to do with the proximity of the LFO pedal control to the input jack
That was the cause of the ticking in my build.

The Wobulator circuit doesnt tick - thats from the horses mouth of Dan who designed it.
Therefore, its not likely to be the usual suspect of either a high current draw op amp or something similar.

Id wager if you unplug the CV control jack as Alan mentioned it will likely fix your issue.

Id have also put the phase switch near to the Right output, but theres not much you can do about that now ;)



having taken a second glance, I would try swapping the CV Lfo pedal with the trigger pedal jack
The tick is almost certainly coming from the LFO C pedal jack being so close to the audio jacks.

The trig/gate control is just a voltage applied to the LFO, so doesnt actually have any tick over it, as far as I am aware.

try that and report back.


Thanks for the advice Lace, I will certainly try those things and report back, probably wont be for a few days as things are going to be busy for me at work and home.  Im definitely not happy with where I ended up putting the toggle switch, I was kicking myself afterwards, and also too close to the stomp switch, especially for barefoot use.  I'll probably dent fill it and redrill the hole once I sort out the tick.

I cant believe I havent tried out the stereo mode yet, too lazy to carry an amp upstairs.  This weekend.....