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Deadringer II pots...

Started by luks999, January 08, 2015, 10:49:40 AM

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i ordered the deadringer, and just realised it doesnt use normal pots... should read the doc more carefully :(

does anyone know, where to order the correct pots in europe?
just dont wanna place an US order just for some pots...

maybe im going for the regular pots and use some wires... but its not the most "clear" way



Musikding has the rotary switch, Banzai the others - except one, I don't remember which. For that I had to place my first Smallbear order.
But if you throw in some other parts that are hard to get in Europe it's not so bad. Shipping wasn't too expensive, and it was qiuck.


the rotary was pretty easy to find, musikding and uk-electronic has it
and of course because there are not much others

the build doc says the cut pot must be plastic shaft.. disadvantage of the plastic shaft is, that it doesnt mount the pcb to the enclosure (no metal screw)

i gues for example, thats the right one for the 4 other pots?


thanks so much, tremster ;)

im gonna order from sb anyway, because i need some tropical fish caps...

so what does detent mean?
sb has following:

they look same to me. the desc doesnt say anything


and youre right, shipping doesnt cost much, but with taxes it may...


You need the first one, without detent.
Detent, if I'm not mistaken, means the pot has a STOP point in the centre of the taper, but maybe some native speaker can comment on that.

If you just order some small bits that will fit in an envelope you probably won't have to pay customs and tax. I didn't have to.


so i got the right ones ;)

thanks tremster, you helped me a lot :)


Hey guys. Detent simply means there is a tiny notch that helps the user locate where they are when turning the pot. For example: a center Detent pot will have a notch at the half way point (12:00). The Detent doesn't stop you from continuing your rotation. It's just a way of easily getting to the 12:00 location quickly. Hope this helps.
Follow me on Instagram under PharmerFx.


ahhh, ive experienced such pots, but never heard or was familiar with the english term "detent" ;)
thanks steven ;)