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Retrograde with big knobs :)

Started by Rockhorst, October 11, 2014, 08:33:18 PM

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Built an Octavia fuzz on a Retrograde board. Massive, massive fuzz. The fuzz control is actually quite useable throughout it's sweep, from overdrive like tones to a big wall of fuzz with some sputtering. Could've been boxed in a much smaller enclosure, but the guy I built it for had expressed interest in these knobs quite a number of times...And they do look very good indeed :)


Haven't seen your stuff around for a while, Rutger!

Welcome back! Excellent build, big knobs FTW!


I like it!
I am a fan of the circuit. - thoughts on some pedals I made - sounds and jams


Quote from: muddyfox on October 11, 2014, 08:39:07 PM
Haven't seen your stuff around for a while, Rutger!
I still lurk around here daily, just haven't had that much time to box stuff up (and I only post if I'm particularly liking the build, of course). But, I've been working on a few projects that I'll be presenting real soon ;)


Great job, long like big knobs!



Nice job! Ic really like the switch you used on the side if the enclosure. Looking forward to see the projects you've been working on!


I think those are called K-nobs when they get that size. Big enclosure too and massive fuzz tone.
It's classic.


I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".