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Started by G.G., September 23, 2014, 03:43:40 PM

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Quote from: G.G. on September 25, 2014, 02:52:40 PM
thanks again guys! I see that Tayda has the op275 so I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip!

Yeah, that's where I got mine as well.

Let me know what you settle on after you get to try a couple out. 
Always curious about that sort of thing.


Bill, I got to try out an OP275 over the weekend. I wish I was able to A-B them a little easier. My impression was that the OP275 had a little more saturated distortion and while it still sounded good I went back to the TLC2272 because I tend to use the edge of breakup sound a little more. Kind of makes me want to put another one together with the OP275 because they both sound pretty good. Thanks for the tip!


Right on. If you do put together another and a/b it you should post a video.