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Treble bleed guitar pot mod

Started by brejna, October 01, 2014, 07:21:35 PM

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Hi, I am refreshing mine ibanez jpm100 with a new pickups,pots and switch. I both two dimarzios, crunch lab and liquie fire and I want treble bleed mod. Dimarzio recommends to put 560pF cap and 300k resistor on to hot legs of volume pot.
Is this resistor needed? Is there big difference between these two option, with and without resistor?


If you only use a cap (that in essence lets the treble bypass the volume pot) then at some point the sound will become very thin (treble only).
The resistor is there to counteract a bit and also partially bypass a bit of lower frequencies. All bypassing ends with the pot fully ccw of course.


I find it to have a much more natural response if you use a resistor about half the pot's value IN SERIES with the bypass cap (which I use 22nF for). That's Kinman's method and it sounds really excellent in both of my guitars with treble bypasses. If you use the in-parallel method, you change the taper of the pot, and I don't think the resistor in parallel really does much to help with the thinness.


Thanks for response guys. I think I'll try both methods, at the moment I have only one Vishay 22n cap that I will use for the tone pot and I also have Styroflex capacitor 560pF I bought for dimarzio method. In mine next order I'll buy few more Vishays.
BTW any suggestions for tone pot cap? What do you prefer?