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"Jesus vs buddha bike race"

Started by timbo_93631, September 18, 2014, 08:00:27 PM

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"Jesus vs buddha bike race" EA tremolo pedal for peterherman on OSG

So Peter asked for a graphic of Jesus and Buddha in a bike race if I could find one, which I could not.  So my friend Mehran Heard was super gracious and whipped up this great little drawing.  He loves bikes too.  Check out Mehran's art at, and for you Portland Oregon folk, he's a local.  Seek him out!

Circuit is halfway between the original EA Tremolo, and the runoffgroove Improved EA Tremolo, sounds great!  In the member projects thread started by rullwowr I mentioned that I had no luck with BS170's in Q1, ones from Tayda, and ones from Smallbear.  2n3904 worked but not well with the bias at 4.5v; however, BC549 worked great with the bias at 4.5v and that is what stayed in there.  The depth pot is B1M can be turned all the way down and the pedal can be used as a fantastic preamp/boost and even a light OD at high level settings and I went with C100k for the rate control.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


That's rockin' man!  Love the extra mojo on the CLR too haha.

Looks like Jesus is in the lead!  Glad you dig it.

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


 :D  That's a great graphic!

I checked out his other work.  Very cool stuff.  Reminds me a bit of Robert Williams.


Love it Tim and glad you got it up and going. Art work made me chuckle. Glad to see you knock a build out as I miss seeing your CLRs lately.



Awesome artwork!  I'm not a religious person.  But if more Demigods participated in sports I probably would be.


Man, I love that signature wiring you do.


Wow Tim! I love the graphics and the wiring is great as always.  Your etches have an ancient artifact quality to them!


Quote from: Leevibe on September 19, 2014, 03:28:23 AM
Man, I love that signature wiring you do.

+1, love the wiring!  Great etch, too. I'm just not sure why Buddha would want to be in a bike race. ;)
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


That's a great all-around project, Tim. Well done.

Now you need to do a Jesus and Mohammed on a see-saw graphic. I'm sure it would have explosive consequences.   ;D
Partner and Product Developer at Function f(x).
My Personal Site with Effects Projects


Tim, man, what a clean build, i really like it
Affiliations: madbeanpedals fan and pedal porn lover....


Quote from: wgc on September 19, 2014, 12:34:06 PM
I'm just not sure why Buddha would want to be in a bike race. ;)

Good point.  To quote Buddha: "To conquer oneself is a greater task than conquering others"

BTW, great build!


Quote from: Leevibe on September 19, 2014, 03:28:23 AM
Man, I love that signature wiring you do.

Me too.  The artwork on the outside is great, but the artwork on the inside is equally impressive.
Function f(x)
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