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2 New Builds, 1st Multi-box

Started by diablochris6, September 02, 2014, 04:26:28 AM

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I was able to finish a couple projects this long weekend. The first is a pedal for my bass-playing dad. It is a Pork Barrel Chorus and a Chopped OC-2 in parallel. I have a cross-fader knob in the middle to blend the two signals. I played it with my guitar and got some pretty interesting fat organ type sounds in the extreme settings.

I also had an extra OC-2 board and added a bunch of mods. I added a BMP tone circuit at the input to play with tracking, added a filter knob (it's pretty subtle at times), and tapped into other parts of the board to add various other signals (a unison square wave, octave down square wave, and envelope filter) that can be selected with the large-knobbed rotary switch. The MOD knob controls the level of the mod signal. This layout does have some flaws; the envelope filter is very quiet, and in both of these pedals, there is a buzziness to the sound that I can't get rid of. I read that maybe a buffer before the OC-2 would help, but my dad's box has a buffer and still has the noise. It sounds neat, but I would like to try and figure out a way to get rid of it eventually. Any suggestions?

Build guides of my original designs and modifications here


I've got no useful advice, but I dig these builds. Especially the gigantic knob on the rotary switch. And I'm always happy to see Jake and Elwood!


I have no advice either but those are both very cool builds.


Love these, from who are those OC2 boards?
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


Looks like one of Taylors (now discontinued?) OC2 boards I think Rej.
Where'd the blend board come from? (forgive me, I've been out of the loop for a few months.)
..Oh, and nice builds. I like unusual combos like these. 8)
Spud knows tone!

Captain Cod at


I couldn't find any of the OC-2 boards that were being made, so I looked at the schematic and the general layout of Taylor's board to come up with my own. I don't think the layouts are exactly the same.

The blend board is a mashup of a blender/splitter and a mixer board. I think the mixer section came from a 2-channel version of R.G. Keen's mini mixer on GGG. I don't remember where I found the buffer/splitter. I put them together because I felt it would be more efficient with wiring.

For both of these, I used my Eagle-fu. I figured that I couldn't get an OC-2 board otherwise. It gave me a lot of practice, and I really like making pcb layouts. I just need to get my head into designing original circuits, then I would be unstoppable! Bwahahaha!

I have OSH-Park files for them, but I am sitting on them until I have time to make BOMs and to see what Madbean is going to do with his upcoming OC-2 board. I don't want to take from his business if it is coming out soon.
Build guides of my original designs and modifications here