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Help with Dr Z airbrake clone

Started by garfo, October 14, 2013, 10:05:48 PM

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I've built the Dr Z airbrake attenuator.I've had problems with the Lorlin switch, first one disintegrated while building it and second one for some reason after putting the knob got locked and moved weirdly.
Now, maybe because the switch is fecked I feel almost no difference in attenuation as I get the switch down to bedroom level.At bedroom level there's only difference from position 4 when the second knob is backed down.
Is this tool supposed to work in this way, or might just be the switch that isn't making all of the connections?
Basically I can only feel one or two times that a change has been made.
By the way, I did measured the pins and they were all doing their job, plus I tried to change the poles and no sound so I went back to as it was.
Also tried to move the pins further away from the jack to create more resistance and it didn't appear to make a big difference.


Is your rotary switch OK? Looking at my copy of the AmpGarage Airbrake PDF, everything seems to be okay, wire-wise, except that your rotary seems to have 4 poles in the center?
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Two of the poles are cut.They're numbered A B C D.The pins being used are A and C, B and D are cut.It's also a Lorlin 2 poles 6 throws switch.
First switch broke and I replaced it with a one also 2x6 from Lorlin but it's not the exact same product.I notived that the second switch after mounted got dislocated but after a while it was making the contacts, just not sure if it's making contact on the right places.
The bedroom position level is the one I'm pretty sure it's working properly, still there's not much attenuation, even after moving the poles closer to the speaker switch end.
Would I benefit from removing the cap from the circuit and use the third lug from the pot wired to ground?


Quote from: alanp on October 15, 2013, 03:58:09 AM
Is your rotary switch OK? Looking at my copy of the AmpGarage Airbrake PDF, everything seems to be okay, wire-wise, except that your rotary seems to have 4 poles in the centre?
Alan, I've replaced the switch and used three different wiring diagrams.Final C, Final C140(are the same apparently), and the standard one which behaves the same way just the other way around.
I need some help to see if my readings are al right since in position 0 and 1 I have the exact same readings:
«I connected one probe to input jack and another probe to output jack.»
Position 0= 00.6 ohms
Position 1= 00.6 ohms
Position 2= 07.4 ohms
Position 3= 13.0 ohms
Position 4= 18.1 ohms
Bedroom Level at zero = 24.1 ohms
Bedroom Level full = 174 ohms


Quote from: garfo on October 30, 2013, 12:37:04 PM
Quote from: alanp on October 15, 2013, 03:58:09 AM
Is your rotary switch OK? Looking at my copy of the AmpGarage Airbrake PDF, everything seems to be okay, wire-wise, except that your rotary seems to have 4 poles in the centre?
Alan, I've replaced the switch and used three different wiring diagrams.Final C, Final C140(are the same apparently), and the standard one which behaves the same way just the other way around.
I need some help to see if my readings are al right since in position 0 and 1 I have the exact same readings:
«I connected one probe to input jack and another probe to output jack.»
Position 0= 00.6 ohms
Position 1= 00.6 ohms
Position 2= 07.4 ohms
Position 3= 13.0 ohms
Position 4= 18.1 ohms
Bedroom Level at zero = 24.1 ohms
Bedroom Level full = 174 ohms
Hey Nuno, did you manage to have the correct measurements for your build?
i´m building one and im interested in how to set up and measure the resistors positions.
thanks mate!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


Ey there, I don't really remember how I did it. I followed the help these guys gave me here and build the thing and I actually use it and it works. When testing to see if it's working I noticed and still notice that from section to section you don't really hear or feel a big difference until you get to bedroom level. Sorry, I really don't remember very well how I've done it. I remember that I had to be really careful on not letting the big resistors and the clamps that lie on them touch the box. Also, make sure the clamps are well tightened. Another thing I remember was the switch, there are different switches and different wirings as far as I'm concerned.


Hi There,
Thanks, i´ve just finished it and tested this weekend! It works fantastic. First time i really heard the real sound of my amp. Cranked on the 11 :P
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?