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FX22 Vibro Thang Debug

Started by Govmnt_Lacky, August 10, 2014, 06:00:18 PM

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Need an assist. I have a DOD FX22 Vibro Thang that is giving me nothing but static noise on the output. Looked at wiring... no dice. Checked for proper voltages and grounds... all look good.


Here are my voltages:

U1/U2: LM13600 (Numbers in RED are different on U2. All other voltages are same as U1)

1) 1.27
2) 1.10
3) 4.40
4) 4.40
5) 5.58
6) 0
7) 5.58
8] 4.40
9) 4.40 3.23
10) 5.58 4.40
11) 9.5
12) 5.58 4.40
13) 4.40
14) 4.40
15) 1.10
16) 1.27

U4: LM358

1) 2.5 - 5.1
2) 2.5 - 5.1
3) 2.5 - 5.1
4) 0
5) 2.5 - 5.1
6) 2.5 - 5.1
7) 2.5 - 5.1
8] 9.5

So... the voltages all look pretty good to me. My LFO appears to be working. All of these were taken with the effect bypassed and all pots full CCW.

I would audio probe but... I have no idea what to listen for and where to listen for it. Not a lot of experience with these OTAs. Can anyone offer an idea of what to listen for and where?


i would start by checking the outputs of each of the ota's (pins 8 & 9) as well as the J201's for the switching - both sides - labelled 2 & 3