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Started by atreidesheir, August 05, 2014, 02:11:24 AM

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wonderful happenings.
My ex is an addict.  I have mentioned it a few times. ::)
So, I have drank practically nothing for 4 years.  The last two weeks I have been drinking a few bottles of hard cider.  My tolerance is so low, I get a good buzz before the bottom of the first bottle.  I am feeling pretty great by the time I finish the second.  I am not a big drinker so two is enough.  It is like getting your drink on for the first time, again. :)
I like hard cider.  I never had a taste for beer, so a good find for me.   
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Hahahahaha! Man, i'm exactly like that... i really don't drink alcool that much.. most of the beer i buy is to make «marinades» for my grillin' endehavor.

I drink one beer (Heineken mostly) it gets me right off the bat... i drink 6 and i'm close to be seriously wasted.

Many of my friend drink on a steady basis, they always find it funny that come into party with a simple 4pack of 475ml Can and that it gets my «wild» on. hehe
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Whilst getting stabbed repeatedly by the docs for my trip to India (coming soon..., Italy first), I had my first MOT. Now I know I'm very unfit, but I am in good health. I've never visited a doctor since I was a kid. I like food, drink and don't really exercise (I had an epiphany about that when I was about 5 stone lighter than I am now). Anyhow, from my blood test came back that I had to cut down on alcohol and dairy products...

Now I quite like beer, and I really like cheeses. So this smarted a little. Since (it was about 5 months ago) I've only drank on special occasions (rather than daily) and have reigned back my dairy intake massively. I don't feel particularly better, but my blood tests show my liver is happier.

So as it is... I drink on special occasions. Like my birthday, I had 3 pints and was surprisingly tipsy. Being a fan of weissbier there was no way I was missing out on the good stuff on tap on the road trip also, so I partook in a few of those. But otherwise, I'll be nursing an orange juice.

I am a really cheap date these days...
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk

Blues Healer

San Diego's turned into a big micro brew place. Something like 80 breweries and counting, last I heard ... and several tasting rooms are within a few miles of my place.
Depending on how you look at it, that's either good or bad news for me ... I enjoy that stuff. A little too much lately.

Such is life, could be worse.
"music heals"


The one that always hits me is red wine. Creeps up on me and next minute I'm sloshoed.

Been on a diet recently too to try and get rid of some flabbage. Doing the 5-2 diet and it really does work. It hasn't really affected my day to day life too much.

I like the fact that other than pretty much not eating for two days a week, you can carry on as normal (within moderation of course).

Beer is depressinly calorific. All the good stuff is  :'(


Quote from: wgc on August 05, 2014, 12:10:25 PM
Cheap date. :)
average women and better do not need the cider.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman