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Recommend a Tap Tempo Tremolo

Started by PhiloB, July 18, 2014, 05:03:11 PM

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There is a similar thread going right now but it is not specific to Tap Tempo (didn't want to hijack the thread).
I built the Quadrovibe and love it.  Have a buddy who insists he wants tap tempo despite my argument that I don't miss it on mine.
Is there a simplified tremolo (no wave form selection, just speed and intensity and possibly 8th note division) that you'd recommend that encorporates TT?

I am assuming you can't add TT to the Quadrovibe?

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There's nothing that's simpler than the Electric Druid chip used in the TTT. It controls the tap tempo and the oscillator in a single 14-pin chip. Nothing else will even come close.

The datasheet gives instructions for omitting any given control, but the waveform function is exceptionally useful on the Electric Druid chip. It does true sine wave with a wide speed range, which you can't get out of anything else, true square wave, and numerous other things. It's the best thing about the chip.

To do a proper switch for using only a couple settings from any given control, you'll have to figure out the resistors needed for the voltage divider, based on the control voltages required for each setting, which are described somewhere (if not in the datasheet, then in the thread on DIYSB).


Quote from: midwayfair on July 18, 2014, 05:21:44 PM
There's nothing that's simpler than the Electric Druid chip used in the TTT. It controls the tap tempo and the oscillator in a single 14-pin chip. Nothing else will even come close.

The datasheet gives instructions for omitting any given control, but the waveform function is exceptionally useful on the Electric Druid chip. It does true sine wave with a wide speed range, which you can't get out of anything else, true square wave, and numerous other things. It's the best thing about the chip.

To do a proper switch for using only a couple settings from any given control, you'll have to figure out the resistors needed for the voltage divider, based on the control voltages required for szv%,!33w setting, which are described somewhere (if not in the datasheet, then in the thread on DIYSB).fz mg 3z

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Is this the same project on the MusicPCB site?

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Quote from: PhiloB on July 18, 2014, 08:48:11 PM
Is this the same project on the MusicPCB site?

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The project on MusicPCB uses that chip, yes.