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Sunking diodes

Started by thoml, November 29, 2010, 03:42:38 AM

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 I had noticed a site that listed the D4 for a Klon clone as a 1n4739 - what might change in the sound using one of those rather than the 1n4742 in the Sunking? Thanks.


No. That is for reverse polarity protection and also to prevent from sending too high of a voltage to the charge pump.


The larger issue is the breakdown voltage of the Zener. I am at the office, but I know that some BOMs list a Zener that breaks down at 12V, which will offer too little protection for a MAX 1044 that will die above 10.2 V.

I sourced Zeners that break down at 9.1V. So I got that worked out. BUT, the 1044 I used is whining like a (Insert People group to insult here), so I'll need to order a better chip, as Madbean advised on another board.

THAT chip can be found HERE.


Link's broken by the way...

Also, the TC1044SCPA has been really successful for me to use in two sunkings so far. It's a great alternative that's cheaper than the MAX1044, and it accepts a higher input voltage also.

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Hi there !

I'm new here ! I'm from Spain and I'm trying to build the sunking ;) ! I bought 1 sunking pcb 2 weeks ago, and now I've got all the components on the table ;) I'm ready to build it !!

But I'm in doubt with one diode. The D3 1n4742 !! I bought the components at BanzaiMusic (germany) and they didn't have this diode. However, I think I bought a similar diode. It's a 12v Zener Diode 1,3w, could I use this one instead of the 1n4742?

I'm waiting for your answers guys !

Thanks a lot ! I love MadBean Projects  ;)


Quote from: Jimihendrix1987 on March 18, 2011, 11:19:06 AM

But I'm in doubt with one diode. The D3 1n4742 !! I bought the components at BanzaiMusic (germany) and they didn't have this diode. However, I think I bought a similar diode. It's a 12v Zener Diode 1,3w, could I use this one instead of the 1n4742?

That depends on which charge pump you bought.

If you bought a 7660, I believe they will take up to about 13V before they make the magic smoke and die.

But if you got some version of a 1044, you will need a 9.1V Zener, because the 1044 series chips will not tolerate more than 10.2V, per my post above.

And welcome to the forum!


Hi !! Thanks for answering :)

I received the components this morning, and I have just finished the klon. It's working !!! :):):)

Woaaaoo It sounds like HEAVEN !! Best pedal in my life !!!

I bought a ICL7660SCPA. And I'm using this 12v Zener Diode 1,3w (which don't have any name written in it). By now I'm using a 9v battery and I have been playing for 1 hour with the pedal switch on, but I haven't got any problem !

This diode: ... I'm always buying there, but they don't have the 1n4742. Could you suggest me any substitute? (from banzai)

Will I have a problem powering the pedal with a power plant?

Oh... My Pink Led doesn't bright :( I'm using a DPDT switch very harmed... I think that will be the problem

Thanks Man  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

small fish

Quote from: Jimihendrix1987 on March 18, 2011, 11:19:06 AM
But I'm in doubt with one diode. The D3 1n4742 !! I bought the components at BanzaiMusic (germany) and they didn't have this diode. However, I think I bought a similar diode. It's a 12v Zener Diode 1,3w, could I use this one instead of the 1n4742?

Hi to spain!

I´ve built mine with the same parts from banzai. I´ve ordered the 12V zener 1,3W (SKU 18894) but due to the lack of some other diodes, I´ve placed an order at He´s got the right ones ($0,10 each + postage). Though the first time I used the 12V Zener, but changed later. No probs, either way.

Plz be careful with the 7660 ic. Banzai gave me the wrong ones  >:( : 7660ACPAZ (Banzai article: SKU16754 - at the webshop it´s named as ICL7660SCPA, but it´s definetly not!). They will produce that high pitch noise, which was discussed several times here. I had the same problems and ordered the "real thing" at

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Hola again :)

Thanks for the advice, Carsten ! They have sold me a 7660SCPAZ with a z at the end, however I haven't heard any high pitch noise. Is this the correct IC? What about the final Z?

I'm loving this pedal !! Incredible !!

Thanks  :D

small fish

the 7660SCPAZ is exactly the one I´m using now - no probs with it. I´ve ordered two of them and they sold me the ones I mentioned. Actually I didn´t check them before pluggin in. I wondered if my tubes are already f***** off.....I´ve just changed them. The noise reminded me of some dying tubes...

Try the search function, there has been a lot of questions bout the right IC, which letters, 1044 or 7660, aso, here (I actually don´t understand all that electronics....sorry...minor knowledge  ??? ) but it helped me to get the right one. In this particular discussion, I´m a noob-noob  :D

I totally agree, this pedal is awesome, like so much stuff I found may find here  :D

Try the Spackler in front of the Sunking. My Strat was taken so much higher with both of them!

Guitars are made of trees! Paper is made of trees!
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Quote from: CRBMoA on March 18, 2011, 03:57:06 PM

That depends on which charge pump you bought.

If you bought a 7660, I believe they will take up to about 13V before they make the magic smoke and die.

But if you got some version of a 1044, you will need a 9.1V Zener, because the 1044 series chips will not tolerate more than 10.2V, per my post above.

And welcome to the forum!

Hi there again ! I'm still in doubt ! I read again the topic and I'm doubting about what CRBMoA said ! Let's begin.

I'm using a 7660 with a 12v zener 1.3w... He said with a 7660 could reach 13v !! So... What kind of zener should I buy (because I cant find those F"@#ing 1n4742? 13v? 14v? Which ones?

Hope you can Help Me ! Thanks a lot ;)

small fish

Try "effectsconnection", as I mentioned some posts before.
Maybe you find some other diodes / parts to change / tryout / you need and place a real order :-)

It´s a fair deal

Guitars are made of trees! Paper is made of trees!
Recycle your paper, so there are more trees left - to make guitars!


I ordered mine from futurlec. They have them in all voltages. Check out tayda electronics too. They have tons of parts!
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