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Infinite decay switch on Cave Dweller

Started by AntKnee, February 05, 2014, 12:11:48 AM

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Saw a video on youtube of someone that added a momentary switch to hold down for infinite decay. Does anyone know how to do this? Is it just hooked to the pot?
I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


I'm hazzarding a guess at a momentary switch from C2 right leg to ground. My other thought was right leg of C9 to ground. I could of course be completely mistaken. These are starting points.

I again am guessing based off of Jon's info provided here. I feel strongly for the C2 but could be entirely wrong.
head solder jockey, part time cook: cranky&jaded


I build, and once in a while I might sell, pedals as "Vertigo Effects".


Ya, I had asked the same question, here's jon's response:

"connect lug 2 of the dwell pot to the R5/R6 junction through a momentary switch with a 30K trimpot to set the oscillation rate. This would make the oscillation switch always do the same thing instead of having it depend on the setting of the Dwell pot."

It worked well, easy to do and a lot of fun

affiliations: TFX


Sorry for bringing up an old topic, but I couldn't find this anywhere else.
I've tried the momentary switch as suggested ("connect lug 2 of the dwell pot to the R5/R6 junction through a momentary switch with a 30K trimpot to set the oscillation rate. This would make the oscillation switch always do the same thing instead of having it depend on the setting of the Dwell pot." ), but I get a very loud pop every time I push the switch. Any ideas to fix it?