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Started by chuckbuick, July 01, 2014, 02:29:56 AM

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Quote from: blearyeyes on July 02, 2014, 12:27:03 AM
I'm a bit older and I need an opti-visor for regular through hole stuff. LOL.  Great job and very interesting. When you made the board which software and library did you use?
I use my visor for thru-hole, too.  It's just a lot easier on the eyes at the end of the day.

I use Eagle for my PCB designs.  The libraries are a combo of the default stuff that comes with Eagle and the older Madbean library, and a few parts that I've designed myself.  I've pretty much modified the silkscreen on all the components I use to suit my particular aesthetic needs.  The caps and resistors for the 0805 and 0603 parts have had their pads modified so that I can run a .024" trace (my default size) in between them.  I'm not an electronic engineer so not everything I do is "by the book" (since I have no formal electronics training nothing I do is by the book ;D) but more often then not it has worked for me.  I've had a few big fails, though.


wow sweet board and build! I'd also be in for building one...I've had bad luck with this circuit--built one on vero, bought a populated byoc pcb...maybe 3rd times a charm


Very cool!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Quote from: blearyeyes on July 02, 2014, 12:29:18 AM
Oh and if you opt for the hand replacement make sure you get one with plenty of accessory attachment options... Ha!

Oh, and if you join the Adeptus Mechanicus... let the rest of us know how to sign up? ;) :)

Great stuff, you and wgc are on fire with smd!
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