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Started by GermanCdn, June 26, 2014, 03:07:36 PM

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Quote from: alanp on June 26, 2014, 09:24:46 PM
blues lawyers

I didn't want to let this little gem go unacknowledged. Totally going to steal this.


Quote from: midwayfair on June 26, 2014, 06:24:53 PM
I don't actually have a problem with John Mayer. We even play one of his songs (Gravity) in Midway Fair. I just think he looks a little creepy.

Quote from: raulduke on June 26, 2014, 04:08:30 PM
I don't know a thing about John Mayer as a person, but I know his music is as stale and unwelcome to me as a fart in an lift.

Quote from: midwayfair on June 26, 2014, 03:11:30 PM
There's a slimy character on Game of Thrones that looks like John Mayer.

I realized, after commenting about it to Lexa, that I thought the character was creepy because he looked like John Mayer, and not because the character is a total creep.

I don't have a good explanation for this.

Which Character? Ramsay Bolton?

Series 4 was pretty awesome I have to say.


We watched The Viper and The Mountain yesterday. I still feel icky from that ... also, I feel manipulated because of the physical and logical impossibility required to *spoiler* *spoiler* like that just to *spoiler* yet another character, but whatever. Lexa told me it happens more realistically in the book.

I have to say I was shocked by what happened, but you kind of expect to be shocked watching it don't you?

I think GoT has a mantra of 'you like this character huh? well f*ck you!!!'

Still amazing though. I thought the Ramsay and Reek story line went a little bit too far in general nastiness (the dog hunting scene was particularly uncomfortable), but I guess they really want you to know that Ramsay is a Grade A wrong'un.


Quite bizarre, how a thread, "not" about John Mayer has morphed into a GOT discussion, both of which i rate highly  ;) 


Quote from: alanp on June 26, 2014, 09:24:46 PM
Quote from: juansolo on June 26, 2014, 04:48:05 PM
I'm quite proud to say, I have no idea who it is you're all talking about.

Never heard the guy, but I think he's one of the guitar dude music type guys that blues lawyers go nuts over. (Like Gary Moore, or Bonnammassa -- if you ask a stranger outside my door, NO ONE will have heard of them except for guitar dudes.)

Oooph...I'm going to have to come to Bonamassa's defense here. Mayer only wishes he had his level of talent. Not that Mayer is not talented but he is not in Joe's class IMHO.

Oh, and I'm a blues guy but don't like lawyers for the most part. No, I'm not a lawyer either  :P