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Aquaboy Deluxe - 15V adaptations

Started by harpplayer, May 15, 2014, 08:35:16 PM

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Hi there!

I got myself a 15v regulated power supply, and want to make some adaptations to the circuit. The repetition quality is much improved, but I´ve followed the instructions, and even with the suggestions, I feel that:

1) The modulation led indicator gets just too bright. Increasing R48 should do the trick, but I am not sure it will have other side effects (as it is connected to the tl062).

2) Even with the trimpot fully ccw, I can´t get past 12 on the feedback control without going into crazy self oscilation. Will increasing R39 help (without affecting the signal return)? What else could be done here?

3) WIth the mix maxed out, the repetition volume is way louder than the original note. Will a resistor in series with mix lug 3 help? Or increasing R38 maybe?



Any ideas? When audio probing the Mn3005s, the signal is way louder than the direct one.


Be sure the compander (7 & 10/11) output pins are biased for 1/2 supply, adjust R13 & 14 at equal values to get there.

R21, 22, 28 & 29 set the delay chips output gain, the pairs should be equal value but you can tweak those.

Increasing R39 will limit the feedback yes, there's already a trimmer for the job so if you think that it was meant to be variable in the first place, adding more 'range' to it certainly wont hurt.

Right again that you can increase R38 to reduce the mix of the wet signal without side effect.
Works at Lectric-FX


Scruffie, sorry for the late reply, but thank you so much for your help! It worked like a charm!