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Bypass problems, now with pics and voltage measurements.

Started by matmosphere, June 17, 2014, 03:13:15 AM

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I'm having a strange issue. I wired up a new build and am getting a clean tone when the effect is on and off. It's like the board isn't affecting the signal at all. I know the switch is working because the LED turns on and off. Any thoughts, I've checked over the off board wiring and it seems to be hooked up correctly.


What effect, got any pictures of the stomp, have you checked the orientation and polarity of your components. Someone will be along shortly with stern instructions on getting tech help, so go ahead and post clear well lit pictures of the stomp and the board, maybe even a schematic.  :P
Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Sorry, I'm pretty new to this thought this might be a common problem. The pedal is a Grind Customs DeProfundis delay using a verified veroboard layout that can be found here,

I don't have the greatest soldering skills (don't laugh) but here is a shot of the inside:


Here's a picture of the bottom of the board.



Here are some voltage measurements

Pt 2399

1) 4.9       16) 2.47
2) 2.94     15) 4.94
3) .6         14) 4.89
4) .6         13) 3.16
5) 2.97     12) 4.1
6) 2.4       11) 2.47
7) 4.55     10) 2.47
8) 4.54      9)  104.6 (which can't be right)

1) 4.73
2) 4.73
3) 4.73
4) .5
5) 4.73
6) 4.73
7) 4.73
8) 9.45

I) 9.45
G) .5
O) 4.94