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Moodring white noise

Started by Boba7, July 11, 2016, 09:09:24 PM

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Hey thanks for your answer!!

I'm going on holidays tomorrow so I wont have the time to check it until a couple weeks, but I'll definitely try and report the results here.

BYP is jumped and I omitted R8.

I did try though a 100k in parallel with R9 to raise the voltage, but it didn't change the noise issue.

Do you think I should also try to lower R27 in the same time?

EDIT: Actually I did try to lower R9 and R27...

See my first post:
"- Voltages: tried to change R9 and R27 to get higher voltages on pin 3 and 5 of IC4 (resp. 3,97 and 4,04v after that), but it didn't change anything. "

But I will try again.

It's a really beautiful reverb you designed Bean


Forgot to mention that my voltages are all back to normal after putting 100k for R9 and R27. I can't remember right now what the voltages are but they were very close or slightly above the recommended ones.

Still the white noise is present at pin 1 and pin 7 of IC4.

(and FYI I added a modulation board to the PT2399, and it didn't add any noise)

If anyone has any idea, they're still welcome, although I keep playing and loving this Moodring! :)


Late reply to my own topic...

So I got rid of the white noise!

For some reason in my build I raised C11 to 1,5nf instead of 1nf. That made the predelay darker, and so I had to crank the tone knob pretty much all the time to get a reasonably bright reverb.
Last night I was checking my notes and so I tried to put C11 back to 1nf, et voilĂ !

There's still a tiny amount of white noise, but I think every BTDR brick reverb has some. Now it's not bothersome at all!