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Grounding issue?

Started by Alaboogie, May 22, 2014, 05:06:12 AM

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Hey all!

I just recently put together a guitarpcb KOTB and came across a weird issue.

I know I should put up pictures and voltages but I figure I just throw out my initial questions and see if it's a simple general fix 😛

When plugged in to power/guitar/amp I get a loud buzz both effect on and off. The gain knob when turned on if turned up makes the pedal whine in almost an oscillation fashion. Could just be the whine goes up in frequency. It seems to me like its a grounding issue but I don't even know where to begin

I had just used an audio probe to find where the issue could lie but the weird thing was when the effect was off, I could pass signal through the input jack. I would touch the probe to the sleeve tab as well as the guitar cable sleeve while it was plugged in and signal passed, but weird thing is when I turned effect on, signal cut out at the source. I touched the probe to the sleeve tab and even the cable sleeve and nothing which made me think it had something to do with grounding shorting out the jacks...but I'm clueless.

This is maybe my 17th build or so since I started this obsession in January...(?) I guess I've been lucky because every pedal that I've made has had zero issues upon finishing building and starting up with the few instances of misplaced wires and so my troubleshooting skills are a bit lacking. The only things I know how to do are check if the wiring is correct, solder bridges, orientation of ics/trans, cold solder joints

Is this an easy fix, am I overlooking something?

If this needs pictures, no problem I can have them up, please please pedal gurus HELP!!! 😫


As far as I am aware sleeve is used for ground in pedals and the tip carries the signal so you shouldn't be getting signal at the sleeve ever I believe?