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Components Naughty Fish

Started by Marshall Arts, May 19, 2014, 04:07:57 PM

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Marshall Arts

I am currently trying to get the components for a naughty fish, some questions:

The Trimpot should be a Bourns 3362P, right? In the document, it says 2262p (which - I think - does not exist...).
I assume 0.5 W should be enough power rating for the Zener, right?

Thanks for your answers!


Yes to both. I prefer 1w but I believe 1/2w will be okay.

Marshall Arts

Just found a 1.3 Watt 12v Zener and will pick that one.... Thanks!

Marshall Arts

Sorry, another Issue came up:

for the 1n8 cap, I only found this one on my preferred supplier site:

It seems to be rather large, would this one be an alternative (it is a 1n5, though...):


First one should be okay, I think. It's a polystyrene which tend to be small enough at least in a low value like 1n8.

Second one, no. It's 630v.

If you use a different value, go with 2n or 2n2.

Marshall Arts

It took some time, but most of the parts arrived (the madbean-board from the US arrived before the components from Germany ;-)). Some more questions: I compared the ON-ON-ON (actually an ON-Z-ON) switch I received with the one from smallbear (

The one I have shortens 2-3 and 4-5 rather than 1-2 and 5-6 like the one from smallbear. So, basically it is "mirrored" in the center position. Will it still work?

Marshall Arts

I found a graphic showing the difference between the smallbear switch and the one I have in this thread:

Too bad, seems like I really have the wrong one. Looking at the schematic, I assume, that it will not work. Any idea, where I can get the right switch for my project in Germany?!

Marshall Arts

OK, I tested the "naughty fish" with the switch I had and can confirm, that this one does NOT work. So, for all the users, who still want to build one (actually: worth it!): Get the switch from Smallbear as recommended in the documents, or - at least - make sure you get the right type of switch!

Good Luck!