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Fuzz-Shizzle (partial credit)

Started by pryde, May 05, 2014, 09:05:21 PM

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Been a while since posting a build because well...I haven't really built much lately. This one is a bit different for a couple reasons:
a) I only designed and finished the box and a customer actually built the pedal in a small workshop I had.
b) This is the first pedal I tried Envirotex on (followed Juan and Cleggy's tutorial) and it is good stuff! Looking forward to using it again soon.

Anyway, I had a couple good customers really interested in pedal building so I thought it would be cool to get them going proper without all the pitfalls of going at it solo. None had ANY soldering/electronics experience at all but they did a great job and built working pedals under some guidance. Pretty cool and I enjoyed the teaching. They were SO STOKED when their very first pedals fired up (remember that feeling?). Needless to say i am sure they are full blown addicts now  :)

They both built a Hipster fuzz and played with different transistors and bias settings to "make it their own". Likely will see them here on the forum in the future. Good Stuff


Love the name. Great job on the Envirotex, I have stayed away from it since it just seems so hard to me to get right. You pulled it off perfectly.



Quote from: selfdestroyer on May 05, 2014, 11:14:13 PM
Love the name. Great job on the Envirotex, I have stayed away from it since it just seems so hard to me to get right. You pulled it off perfectly.


Honestly it was surprisingly easy to work with. I had no issues at all but maybe it was beginners luck  :)


ha, love it! that is some good shizzle right there 8)


That is awesome! The graphics are great and the envirotex is a really nice touch. There are a couple people I know that are mildly interested in building, but most people are far too intimidated to try and feel like it's "over their head". Good job helping others get started!


always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Quote from: wolfingsworth on May 06, 2014, 12:22:26 AM
That is awesome! The graphics are great and the envirotex is a really nice touch. There are a couple people I know that are mildly interested in building, but most people are far too intimidated to try and feel like it's "over their head". Good job helping others get started!

Yes the intimidation is a big factor for many for sure. It is also a good challenge to teach someone with zero experience to do this. You don't realize how much you know and take for granted as its so "ingrained". Actually one of the guys was a natural and caught on very quick while the other guy had a lot of struggles but he persevered  ;)


That looks fantastic and it's so cool of you to get some noobs up and running strong right out of the chutes. Looking forward to seeing them around here.


All of this thread is awesome, great job on all aspects! 8)
Killing Unicorns, day after day...

Building a better world brick by brick:


+1 on the awesomeness of this post  :) and your generous sharing of knowledge, good on ya mate  8)