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iStomp love

Started by gordo, April 20, 2014, 02:53:20 AM

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I know this goes against the grain but for anyone that needs a do-anything pedal the iStomp is pretty cool.  It doesn't do anything spot on but comes damn close on a whole bunch of pedal models.  So for the one time in a blue moon that I need a ring mod or a clean 5th and 2 octaves up...done.  Plug in the iPhone, upload the model (the iPhone 5 connector was such a fiasco that all but one of the models is free to repay whats left of the loyal fanbase) and boom...a realistic Electric Mistress, or Gonkulator, or whatever.

Just sayin...

Won't slow down my building but gets a permanent spot on my board for the fact that it does damn near anything.  Tomorrow is Easter services and it gets to be a Lexicon reverb.
Gordy Power
How loud is too loud?  What?


+1. I have two of them. They're just kind of handy to have. I use lexicon a lot with both acoustic and electric. I wrote digitech support months ago before I bought my second one to find out if they were going to keep coming out with new models and I was assured that they had new epedals in the works. That's looking less and less likely all the time. Still, the second one only cost me $40 so it's worth it.


Yeah, I'm getting a 3rd sent to me...

I wrote a big set of posts over at BYOC that discussed my thoughts on each model, picked favourites and such... Maybe I should find and link that stuff.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


Link below.  I have one.  I agree with most of your reviews, but I am less impressed by most of the overdrives/distortions and some of the fuzzes.  The Redline sounds good for a digital effect, but none of the distortions or overdrives can compete with a decent analog pedal IMHO.  I'm actually using mine for the Lexicon reverb, which I think sounds great.  It bumped my Holy Grail and my Rub-a-Dub build off my board (turns out I'm more of a hall reverb than spring reverb kind of guy).