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424 Fuzz - Below the depths of fuzz

Started by selfdestroyer, April 01, 2014, 08:54:21 AM

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Under the earths crust, intertwined in the roots of the... well trees.. ok its officially 1:44am here and I wanted to post this before I crashed out. I have had this hooked up to my test rig since Brian released this layout. It took me awhile to finally get this boxed up since I wanted to etch a enclosure for it. This is what I came up with.

To this:

Before I show the gut shot.. I am pretty unhappy with the 3PDT daughter board soldering job. So much so that I am redesigning it tomorrow and hope to have better pads that will take solder flow better. Ok .. enough excuses.

I recommend building this low part count fuzz.. its a fun one.



Cody you are killing the etches.  Looks fantastic inside and out.
Sunday Musical Instruments LLC.
Sunday Handwound Pickups


Cody, I checked out you site and blog. Those tutorials are great! This etch is EPIC! How do you paint these after the etch?


That etch is stunning. The wiring also looks great, I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. :)

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!




Kinki fuzz



I love the graphics and of course the execution is superb. The 3PDT is not too bad, but I can understand the frustration when you have that with such an amazing build.
I build pedals to hide my lousy playing.

My projects are labeled Quantum Effects. My shared OSH park projects:
My build docs and tutorials


Thanks for the kind words people. Now that this beast is boxed and I can actually see the knob position for the volume pot, I need to tame it a bit. I can barely get it past 1/4 turn before shaking the house.

Quote from: flanagan0718 on April 01, 2014, 12:29:44 PM
Cody, I checked out you site and blog. Those tutorials are great! This etch is EPIC! How do you paint these after the etch?

I really need to update my tutorial on the enclosure etching and include my paint process.. not difficult by any means. In the case of this pedal I just followed this process.

Etched enclouser
Rattle can flat black paint
stuck in oven at 150 for 15 minutes
Let cool for 15 minutes
Another coat of flat black
stuck in oven at 150 for 15 minutes
Let pedal cool and cure over night
Wet sanded top with 1500 grit
rattle can matte clear
stuck in oven at 150 for 15 minutes
Let cool for 15 minutes
Another coat of matte clear
stuck in oven at 150 for 15 minutes
called it done

Wow, it looks like a lot of work when in a list but its not bad. I was populating another build in between the process.

Quote from: m-Kresol on April 01, 2014, 07:14:33 PM
I love the graphics and of course the execution is superb. The 3PDT is not too bad, but I can understand the frustration when you have that with such an amazing build.

It just kills me sometimes. I will spend 30-45 minutes wet sanding to get the etch to look like how I want then it gets all ghetto with the damn 3PDT switch. I just really want to stick with my own etched layout and not use a fabbed one. why you ask? just cause it feels like Im keeping it all hand made. Stupid I know.. lol



 Woaaaaaah supreme etch! :o
Great looking build Cody  :)


Great looking etch on green shag carpet! What more could anybody want?



Stop beating yourself up over the switch board - this is still a fantastic build in every way.