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Tips on drilling enclosures....

Started by peAk, March 18, 2014, 12:51:43 AM

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Photoshop drill template taped to enclosure.
Spring loaded center punch right through the drill template.
Put enclosure into a small bench top vice.
Stepper drill bit on my drill press.

I never pilot my holes with a smaller drill bit.. I never seem to have a problem with my stepper bit "walking" around. It seems to always find the center from the punch hole. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.. but it works for me for now. I did notice a difference when I went from a $8 stepper drill bit from Harbor Freight to a $25 Sears one. Cuts cleaner and stays sharp.



I know you were trying to avoid drill presses, but man has it made life a lot easier. I dont have a lot of room to work with so bench top, lightweight yet powerful were key. My ol' lady picked me up this 5 speed WEN for Christmas. It was like 100 bucks or so, probably cheaper on amazon so it wasn't that expensive. It comes in at about 33 lbs which is great for moving off the bench and back in the closet or under a desk. I also enjoy being able to set the drill depth for when I am not using a stepped bit. I was having a problem with "box walk" at first, as a I coudn't find clamps strong enough to hold enclosures steady while drilling the bigger holes for power and switches. I ended up using heavy duty spring clamps which do the job just fine. However, the machinist at my pop's work is making me some adjustable jigs that will clamp to the drill press adjustable base easier.  Anyways thats my 2 cents. I promise I am not a lobbyist for "big drill press" or anything like that. Heres the link, it ain't the nicest but it works for now. Until I can get a big ass standing one!
Wake up and smell the noise!!


Can't really speak on step bits, since I've never, ever used one. I use a set of 1-13mm bits (in 0.5mm increments) that used to belong to my granddad, along with his drillpress he made in my dad's workshop.

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Having a drill press helps definitely.

I also do boxes in batches of 5 at a time, so swapping the bits out is less of a pain in the arse.

I use an old Meddings pillar drill that we have at work most of the time, but I have a cheapy one at home that does the job fine when I need it.